Lentini (Sicilian: Lintini), historically Leontini, Leontinoi (Ancient Greek: Λεοντῖνοι), or Leontium, is a town and comune in the Province of Syracuse, southeast Sicily (southern Italy).
The ancient city was founded as Leontini by colonists from Naxos in 729 BC, itself a Chalcidian colony established five years earlier.
It is virtually the only Greek settlement in Sicily not located on the coast, being some 6 miles inland. The site, originally held by the Sicels, was seized by the Greeks owing to its command of the fertile plain to the north. The city was reduced to subject status in 494 BC by Hippocrates of Gela, who made his ally Aenesidemus its tyrant. In 476 BC, Hieron of Syracuse moved the inhabitants from Catana and Naxos to Leontini.
Later on, the city of Leontini regained its independence. However, as part of the inhabitants' efforts to retain that independence, they sought the intervention of Athens. It was mainly the eloquence of Gorgias of Leontini which led to the abortive Athenian expedition of 427 BC.
Neulich hab ich auf dem Dachboden 'ne Kiste entdeckt
Die hat mein Grobvater '45 da versteckt
Drin war'n all die schonen Sachen aus der guten alten Zeit
Und oben drauf lag Opa's Uniform bereit
Opa war Sturmfuhrer bei der SS
Opa war Sturmfuhrer bei der SS
Opa war Sturmfuhrer bei der SS
Sturmfuhrer, Sturmfuhrer bei der SS
Bei 'ner Panzerdivision war Opa einst dabei
Man hat aufgeraumt in der Russerei
Kein Politkommisar kam ihnen davon
[Denn fur Bolschewiken gab es kein Pardon / denn wer Bolschewike war, der hatte schon verlorn]
Drum freut's mich heut auch jeden Tag enorm
Seh' ich meines Grobvaters alte Uniform
Dann seh' ich auf der Mutze den Totenschadel blitzen
Und weib, dab all die Schweine bald schon wieder flitzen
Denn der Enkel wird Sturmfuhrer bei der SS
Der Enkel wird Sturmfuhrer bei der SS
Der Enkel wird Sturmfuhrer bei der SS