The Lemuralia or Lemuria was a feast in the religion of ancient Rome during which the Romans performed rites to exorcise the malevolent and fearful ghosts of the dead from their homes. The unwholesome spectres of the restless dead, the lemures or larvae were propitiated with offerings of beans. On those days, the Vestals would prepare sacred mola salsa, a salted flour cake, from the first ears of wheat of the season.
In the Julian calendar the three days of the feast were 9, 11, and 13 May. The origin myth of this ancient festival, according to Ovid, who derives Lemuria from a supposed Remuria was that it had been instituted by Romulus to appease the spirit of Remus (Ovid, Fasti, V.421ff; Porphyrius). Ovid notes that at this festival it was the custom to appease or expel the evil spirits by walking barefoot and throwing black beans over the shoulder at night. It was the head of the household who was responsible for getting up at midnight and walking around the house with bare feet throwing out black beans and repeating the incantation, "I send these; with these beans I redeem me and mine" (Haec ego mitto; his redimo meque meosque fabis.) nine times. The household would then clash bronze pots while repeating, "Ghosts of my fathers and ancestors, be gone!" nine times.
Lemuralia is a 7-track bonus disc released by English-Irish singer-songwriter Patrick Wolf, which accompanied the release of his fifth studio album, Lupercalia. It contains previously unheard audio, remixes and tracks in demo stages.
Lemuralia is only available for purchase from Wolf's official online store, as a bonus disc to the Lupercalia CD or as part of the Super Bundle box set.
The track listing for Lemuralia was released on June 11, 2011.
All songs written and composed by Patrick Wolf.
Official information regarding the EP states that "You will be able to hear some of the album tracks in their demo stages and various sonic experiments, collaborations and sketches that never made it to the final cut of Lupercalia. Straight from the heart of Patrick's home studio and dusty depths of the Lupercalia tapes and project hard drives."
Wolf says of "Oil Slick" that it "is a section of the symphony I wrote in the year 2000. entrance piece for the composition degree I never finished!"
L'Amiral veut couler la flotteL'Amiral veut tout foutre à l'eauDepuis qu'il sait que la culotteDe sa femme est comme un drapeauQui flotte au vent, qui flotte hautAu lit de bien des matelots
Tandis qu'il rédige des notesAssis derrière un grand bureauAmiral où est la marine ?Dans les dossiers de ton bureauLes bars du Cap et d'IndochineL'argent triché dans les tripotsL'alcool de grainTout ça, c'est loinMais c'était beauAmiral où est ton bateauL'Amiral a perdu la têteL'Amiral a perdu le nordIl est loin le temps des conquêtesD'une fille dans chaque portA quelques nœuds de la retraiteIl a voulu lier son sortAu sort d'une tendre nymphetteQui hélas ! a le diable au corpsAmiral la terre était rondeLa tienne est plate et sans grandeurIl y a tant de femme au mondeQui pourraient réchauffer ton cœurEt le remplirEt de désirsEt de plaisirsEt de rumeursAmiral où est ton bonheurL'Amiral a beaucoup de peineL'Amiral est comme un enfantIl fait soudain des gestes obscènesEt dit des mot incohérentsIl rit et pleure à tous momentsLe ministère est sur les dentsFaudrait pas que la presse apprenneLe sujet est trop importantAmiral largue les amarresEt joue ta vie comme au pokerIl vaut mieux mourir à la barreDebout et face à l'universComme un défiDroit comme un IQue dans un litFroid et désertAmiral n'oublie pas la mer