Legambiente is an Italian environmentalist association with roots in the anti-nuclear movement that developed in Italy and throughout the Western world in the second half of the '70s. Founded in 1980 as part of the ARCI, it later became and a stand-alone organisation. Originally known as Lega per l'ambiente (League for the Environment), it changed name during the IV National Congress held in Parma in 1992 to avoid confusion with other movements, especially with the 'Lega' political party.
In more than thirty years of activity, Legambiente organized environmental monitoring campaigns in Italy (Green Schooner, Green Train, and others) and activities of voluntary (Clean Beaches, Clean Up the World).
Legambiente organized environmental education campaigns, promoted and increased the mobilization against smog and referendums of 1987 and 2011 against the nuclear energy, fought against illegal building and lifted the veil on the illegal dumping of waste and the action of ecomafie, with an annual report on environmental crimes related to the activities of criminal organizations.