Ventricle (heart)

In the heart, a ventricle is one of two large chambers that collect and expel blood received from an atrium towards the peripheral beds within the body and lungs. The atrium (an adjacent/upper heart chamber that is smaller than a ventricle) primes the pump. Interventricular means between the ventricles (for example the interventricular septum), while intraventricular means within one ventricle (for example an intraventricular block).

In a four-chambered heart, such as that in humans, there are two ventricles that operate in a double circulatory system: the right ventricle pumps blood into the pulmonary circulation to the lungs, and the left ventricle pumps blood into the systemic circulation through the aorta.


Ventricles have thicker walls than atria and generate higher blood pressures. The physiological load on the ventricles requiring pumping of blood throughout the body and lungs is much greater than the pressure generated by the atria to fill the ventricles. Further, the left ventricle has thicker walls than the right because it needs to pump blood to most of the body while the right ventricle fills only the lungs.



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Left with few options, the doctors did something that had never been done before in a child in Michigan ... They then connected the ventricles of the artificial heart to those cuffs ... On the day he left the ...

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Researchers say that people with larger waist circumferences were more likely than smaller-bellied people to have problems with the heart’s left ventricle, which pumps oxygen-rich blood to the brain and the rest of the body.(Shutterstock) ... ....

Is coffee good for you? How it works and when to drink it

The Times/The Sunday Times 16 Mar 2025
For many of us, coffee is an essential part of our routine ... Those who drank up to three cups also showed signs of having a healthier heart, with the left ventricle having thicker muscular walls and the heart pumping more blood in each beat ... UK. Science.

Artificial heart breakthrough that could make transplants obsolete

The Times/The Sunday Times 15 Mar 2025
Timms, 46, said he has not spoken to the patient since the transplant, but shared a taxi with him when he left hospital with his artificial heart ... In most cases of heart failure, only the left ventricle fails.

Spirals, and the Universe, explored in Pettigrew's 'Designs in Nature'

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Australian man survives 100 days with artificial heart in world-first success

The Times of India 13 Mar 2025
118960213According to Timms, the patient who received the device spent over 100 days with it in place ... It works by replacing both the left and right ventricles, the two chambers of the heart responsible for pumping blood throughout the body ... 49663209 .

Man lives for 100 days with artificial titanium heart in successful new trial

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The device comprise a Mini-Pump, that is implanted inside the hearts of patients who currently have no other option for treating their heart failure symptoms; and a new type of Left Ventricle Assist ...

Lifeline in the womb: How surgeons are saving babies even before they are born

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The fetus had a closed main valve due to reduced blood flow which, if untreated, would have led to aortic atresia at birth — a rare condition where blood flow from the left ventricle to the body is ...
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