Lefka (Greek: Λεύκα; Turkish: Lefke) is a town in Cyprus, overlooking Morphou Bay. De facto, it is under the control of Northern Cyprus. In 2011, the town-proper had 3,009 inhabitants.
Lefka is known for its citrus fruits and mines. It is the site of the European University of Lefke.
During the Venetian period in Cyprus, Lefka was dominated by Catholics of Italian descent. Turks migrated to Lefka during Ottoman rule.
Asil Nadir and Nil Burak were born in Lefka. The city houses the tomb of Nazim al-Haqqani, spiritual head of the Haqqani branch of the Naqshbandi Sufi order, died on 7 May, 2014.
The first settlement in the Lefka area dates from the Neolithic period. According to one hypothesis, the town was founded in the 3rd century BC by Lefkos, the son of the Ptolemy king of Egypt, who is also said to have founded Nicosia (known as Lefkosia), and named after him. Another hypothesis states that a sick Christian girl named "Lefka", meaning poplar in Greek, came to the town to be healed by the clean air from the mountains. According to the legend, she lived in Lefka for a long time and died in the town, and the town was named after her to honor her memory.
Mira esa cara,
Mira esos ojos que no dicen nada
Mira esas manos
Ya cansadas de tanto trabajo
Mira, mira esa boca
Ya no hay palabras para esa vida loca
Mira, mira su corazón,
Siempre sufriendo, siempre pide perdón
Apresurado, siempre nervioso,
Algo temerario
Ve caer los días
De este largo y triste calendario
Siempre se equivoca
Hierve la sangre cuando le traicionan,
En su interior no queda nada,
Ni sitio para el dolor
Ya se que nada le hace feliz
Ya se que cree que todo es un cuento
Que le contaron pa hacerle reir
Para después destrozar viejos sueños
Ya se que nada le hace sentir
Ya se que quiere romper el silencio
Gritarle a todos que quiere vivir
Tan solo el viento escucha sus lamentos
Busca una puerta,
Una salida, calma en la tormenta
Se hace preguntas,
A la deriva en un mar de dudas
Desquiciando su vida
Entierra besos, besos y alegrias
Mira, mira su corazón,
Ya se ha parado, jamás pedirá perdón.