Leeches! is a 2003 horror film directed by David DeCoteau.
Members of a college swim team take anabolic steroids to enhance their performance. While on a daytrip to a local lake, a couple of the members pick up some leeches, which feed on the steroids in their blood. The leeches end up washed down a shower drain, where they grow to enormous size and return for more feedings.
Following the deaths of several members of the team and a college administrator, the few surviving team members and one of their girlfriends hatch a plan to kill off the monster leeches. They will draw them to the campus swimming pool by having one of the swimmers act as bait. Then they'll electrify the pool, electrocuting the leeches. Tragically, the team coach, who's been infested by a leech, attacks them, delaying the electrification just long enough to allow the leeches to kill one last swimmer. Finally the coach is subdued and the switch is thrown, frying the leeches.
As the film ends, a surviving swim team member, in true mad scientist fashion, is revealed to have had a hand in creating the leeches and is shown to have breeding stock left.
Leeches are segmented worms that belong to the phylum Annelida and comprise the subclass Hirudinea. Like the oligochaetes, such as earthworms, leeches share a clitellum and are hermaphrodites. Nevertheless, they differ from the oligochaetes in significant ways. For example, leeches do not have bristles and the external segmentation of their bodies does not correspond with the internal segmentation of their organs. Their bodies are much more solid as the spaces in their coelom are dense with connective tissues. They also have two suckers, one at each end.
The majority of leeches live in freshwater environments, while some species can be found in terrestrial and marine environments, as well. The best-known leeches, such as the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis, are hematophagous, feeding on vertebrate blood and invertebrate hemolymph. Most leech species, however, are predatory, feeding primarily by swallowing other invertebrates. Almost 700 species of leeches are currently recognized, of which some 100 are marine, 90 terrestrial and the remainder freshwater taxa.
(You) Small minds take cover
behind words
too big and precious
for your filthy mouths.
Twisting, distorting,
just a carcass is left.
You're eager to use us,
to get what you want.
You add fuel to the fire,
if you see it fit,
perverting all meaning,
to fit your own needs.
You're nothing but vermin,
sucking our blood dry.
You're nothing but vermin,
sucking our blood dry.
Empty words and empty eyes,
served with flashing lights to distract us.
The ghost is long gone,
but nobody seems to notice
the empty shell left behind.
What are we gonna believe in now,
when all the fakes and cheats
blend in so well with the crowd?
Forced to play by your rules,
we refuse to surrender.
Deaf to dead words,
stakes cant be higher.
You're nothing but vermin,
sucking our blood dry.
You're nothing but vermin,