Le Viandier (often called Le Viandier de Taillevent, pronounced: [lə vjɑ̃dje də tajvɑ̃]) is a recipe collection generally credited to Guillaume Tirel, alias Taillevent. However, the earliest version of the work has been dated to around 1300, about 10 years before the birth of Tirel. The original author is unknown, but it was not uncommon for medieval and early modern recipe collections to be plagiarized, complemented with additional material and presented as the work of later authors.
Le Viandier is one of the earliest and best-known recipe collections of the Middle Ages, along with the Latin Liber de Coquina (early 14th century) and the English Forme of Cury (c. 1390). Among other things, it contains the first detailed description of an entremet.
There are four extant manuscripts of Le Viandier. The oldest, found in the Archives cantonales du Valais (Sion, Switzerland), was written in the late 13th or very early 14th century, and was largely overlooked until the 1950s. It is this manuscript that calls into question the authorship of Tirel, but a portion of it is missing at the beginning, so the title and author given for this earlier work are unknown. A manuscript from the 14th century housed in the Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris), was formerly thought to be the oldest. The version in the Biblioteca Vaticana (Vatican City), is from the early 15th century. The fourth extant version is in the Bibliothèque Mazarine (Paris) and also dates to the 15th century.
You treat a man like a dog and that's just what you get
You may try to leave him but he'll follow you yet
Can't do a thing to get him off a your trail
You better give up, he's hot on your tail
You used to laugh at me when I said I'll come back
You let me roll over, you let me play dead
You think your little lap dog is dragging you down
I'm a ooh love hound
You went downtown and I followed you there
A sniff of perfume still hung in the air
You took the taxi, I took my time
Rolled down the window and you hid me outside
You used to laugh at me when I said I'll come back
You let me roll over, you let me play dead
You think your little lap dog is dragging you down
I'm a ooh love hound
No earthly reason to live in my home
Just pure motor reflex is keeping me going
Don't bother explaining it'll bring me down, child
All I can hear is the call of the wild
You can tease your little puppy mama, that's alright
But when they grow up they just love to fight
You tremble in the dark when you hear that sound
I'm a ooh love hound
A love hound howls under the moon
A love hound gonna come and love you soon
Love you baby till the morning light
Feel that little old love hound bite
Open up your window mama, what's that sound