
A train is a form of rail transport consisting of a series of vehicles that usually runs along a rail track to transport cargo or passengers. Motive power is provided by a separate locomotive or individual motors in self-propelled multiple units. Although historically steam propulsion dominated, the most common modern forms are diesel and electric locomotives, the latter supplied by overhead wires or additional rails. Other energy sources include horses, engine or water-driven rope or wire winch, gravity, pneumatics, batteries, and gas turbines. Train tracks usually consist of two running rails, sometimes supplemented by additional rails such as electric conducting rails and rack rails, with a limited number of monorails and maglev guideways in the mix. The word 'train' comes from the Old French trahiner, from the Latin trahere 'pull, draw'.

There are various types of trains that are designed for particular purposes. A train may consist of a combination of one or more locomotives and attached railroad cars, or a self-propelled multiple unit (or occasionally a single or articulated powered coach, called a railcar). The first trains were rope-hauled, gravity powered or pulled by horses. From the early 19th century almost all were powered by steam locomotives. From the 1910s onwards the steam locomotives began to be replaced by less labor-intensive and cleaner (but more complex and expensive) diesel locomotives and electric locomotives, while at about the same time self-propelled multiple unit vehicles of either power system became much more common in passenger service.

Train (album)

Train is the 1998 self-titled debut album from the band Train. The album was self-produced for $25,000 and three singles from the album were released. The first single released, "Free", was largely a hit on rock stations. The second, "Meet Virginia", peaked at No. 20 on the Billboard Hot 100, and the third single from the album was "I Am". The album has been certified Platinum by the RIAA.

Track listing

All songs written and composed by Train. 

Original track listing

The original, independent release, released in December 6, 1996, had a different track listing.

  • "I Am"
  • "Free"8
  • "Homesick"
  • "Blind"
  • "Eggplant"
  • "Meet Virginia"
  • "Train"
  • "Rat"
  • "Swaying"
  • "Days"
  • "Idaho"
  • "Sorry For"
  • "The Highway" (hidden track)
  • Charts





  • Pat Monahan - lead vocals, percussion
  • Jimmy Stafford - lead guitar, mandolin, backing vocals
  • Scott Underwood - drums, percussion
  • Charlie Colin - bass guitar
  • Rob Hotchkiss - rhythm guitar, harmonica, backing vocals
  • Additional personnel:

  • Charlie Gillingham - piano, organ, mellotron
  • Train (roller coaster)

    A roller coaster train is a vehicle made up of two or more cars connected by specialized joints which transports passengers around a roller coaster's circuit.

    It is called a train because the cars follow one another around the track, the same reason as for a railroad train. Individual cars vary in design and can carry from one to eight or more passengers each.

    Many roller coasters operate more than one train, sometimes several, simultaneously. Typically they operate two trains at a time, with one train loading and unloading while the other train runs the course. On the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster at Walt Disney World, there are five trains, but only four operate at a time (the trains are rotated out on a regular basis for safety reasons).

    Basic safety features

    Roller coaster trains have wheels that run on the sides (side friction or guide wheels) and underneath the track (upstop, underfriction, or underlocking wheels) as well as on top of it (road or running wheels); these lock the train to the tracks and prevent it from jumping the track. The side wheels can be mounted on the outside or inside of the train, depending on the manufacturer (although outside-mounted wheels are more common). The wheels are sometimes located between the cars, as well as at the front and rear of the entire train.



    Le Train

    by: Richard Cocciante

    Et le train va trop vite, ce grand train qui m´emmène
    Sans se préoccuper ni des monts ni des plaines
    Je n´ai pas eu le temps de leur dire un mot tendre
    Le train déjà roulait, ils n´auraient pu m´entendre
    J´aurais voulu sécher les larmes de ma mère
    Et dénouer le nœud dans la gorge de mon père
    Mais le train va trop vite, ce grand train qui m´emmène
    Vers un monde inconnu, une vie incertaine
    Je laisse derrière moi le temps de l´insouciance
    Les rentrées de septembre et les grandes vacances
    Je ne reverrai plus le préau ni l´école
    Adieu Colin-maillard, les billes et Pigeon vole
    Mais le train va trop vite, ce grand train qui m´emmène
    Je vois sur les collines des gens qui se promènent
    Comme on se promenait le dimanche à la ville
    Quand on allait au bal, quand on courait les filles
    Qui grandiront sans moi et dénoueront leurs tresses
    En prenant au sérieux de très vagues promesses
    Mais le train court et court tout au long de ma vie
    Ma vie, comme ce train, va de plus en plus vite
    Des visages surgissent et d´autres disparaissent
    Emportant avec eux ce que fut ma jeunesse
    Et le train va trop vite, ce grand train qui m´emmène
    Quand s´arrêtera-t-il, dans quelle gare lointaine
    Au bout de quel désert, au bout de quel mirage?
    Qu´y a-t-il, dites-moi, au bout de ce voyage?
    Et que vais-je trouver en posant ma valise?
    Est-ce la fin de tout ou la Terre promise?
    Quand s´arrêtera-t-il, dans quelle gare lointaine
    Ce train qui va trop vite, ce grand train qui m´emmène?
