A layperson (also layman or laywoman) is defined as either a non-ordained member of a church, or a person who is not qualified in a given profession and/or does not have specific knowledge of a certain subject.
In the Catholic and the Anglican churches, anyone who is not ordained as a deacon, priest, or bishop is referred to as a layman or a laywoman. In some Catholic parishes, due to the lack of ordained priests in the diocese, the parish priest is unable to conduct the mass at all of the church locations of the parish. As a result prayer services are led by a layperson during the absence of the priest. Laypersons are also involved in running the parishes.
A layperson lacks professional qualifications in a particular field, but acquires knowledge and/or expertise in a field that partly overlaps that of the professionals, allowing the layperson to make useful contributions to the overall outcome (e.g. a person who is not a medical doctor may assist in the medical care of a patient).
Layman is a surname, and may refer to:
E mi trovo a scrivere frasi che non so
e che non sapr?...
...ricordi fragili
dividono a met? la nostra intimit? e tu...
Dormi...? domenica...
Ma il tempo passa e il sole resta ancora sveglio.
E' l'unica verit?, vera, chimica,
rimani ancora qui...che bella che sei.
E mi trovo a dire parole che non ho
e che mai avr?...
pensieri umidi
costringono a met? la nostra infinit? e tu...
Dormi...? domenica...
Ma il tempo passa e il sole resta ancora sveglio.
E' l'unica verit?, vera, chimica,
rimani ancora qui...che bella che sei.
rimani con me
tra poesie e ricordi che rimangono sospesi mentre tu..
Dormi... ? domenica...
Ma il tempo passa e il sole resta ancora sveglio.
E' l'unica verit?, vera, chimica,
rimani ancora qui...che bella che sei...che bella che sei...che sei...