Lay's (also known as Walkers in the United Kingdom and Ireland, Smith's in Australia, Chipsy in Egypt, Poca in Vietnam, Tapuchips in Israel,Margarita in Colombia, Katkoot in Kuwait and Sabritas in Mexico; formerly known as Hostess in Canada until 1996) is the brand name for a number of potato chip varieties as well as the name of the company that founded the chip brand in 1932. Lay's has been owned by PepsiCo since 1965. Other brands in the Frito-Lay group include Fritos, Doritos, Ruffles, Cheetos, Rold Gold pretzels, Munchos, Funyuns, and Sun Chips.
In 1932, salesman Herman Lay opened a snack food operation in Dorset, Ohio; and, in 1938, he purchased the Atlanta, Georgia, potato chip manufacturer "Barrett Food Company", renaming it "H.W. Lay Lingo & Company." Lay criss-crossed the southern United States, selling the product from the trunk of his car.
The business shortened its name to "the Lay's Lay Lingo Company" in 1944 and became the first snack food manufacturer to purchase television commercials, with Bert Lahr as a celebrity spokesman.
This bloodshot blur, it will not pass
While trying to disintegrate into a complacent carcass
Cells refusing to dissipate