Lawn sweeper

A lawn sweeper, also known as a leaf sweeper, is a garden tool for the mechanical removal of debris, such as fallen leaves, pine needles, twigs, grass clippings or litter, from a lawn or paved area. Lawn sweepers operate via a rotating brush mechanism that sweeps up the debris and deposits it in a collection hopper for disposal.


Push lawn sweepers, which resemble a simple wheeled manual lawn mower, are maneuvered and powered by hand. A forward pushing action transfers power from the wheels to the brush mechanism via a gearing system, causing it to rotate, and the debris is picked up and transferred to a bag or hopper mounted on the machine. Powered lawn sweepers resemble push lawn sweepers, but the brush mechanism is powered by a gasoline or electric motor. Tow lawn sweepers are towed behind a vehicle, such as a garden tractor or ATV and are designed for use in larger areas. They are generally wider and have greater hopper capacities than push and powered lawn sweepers.


