A lava field, also called a lava plain or lava bed, is a large expanse of nearly flat-lying lava flows. Such features are generally composed of highly fluid basalt lava, and can extend for tens or even hundreds of miles across the underlying terrain. The extent of large lava fields is most readily grasped from the air or in satellite photos, where their typically dark, nearly black color contrasts sharply with the rest of the landscape. According to the US Geological Survey, monogenetic volcanic fields are collections of cinder cones, and/or Maar vents and associated lava flows and pyroclastic deposits. Sometimes a stratovolcano is at the center of the field, as at the San Francisco Volcanic Field in Arizona. Monogenetic volcano fields have systematic growth patterns that suggest they represent single magmatic systems in the same way that stratovolcanoes do, but monogenetic volcanoes grow laterally rather than vertically (Wood and Shoan, 1984). Detailed mapping indicates that some cinder cones in monogenetic fields (e.g., Cima, California, and Timber Mountain Volcanic Field, Nevada) may have had multiple eruptions separated by tens to hundreds of thousands of years (Wells, et al., 1989). Thus, some monogenetic cones may actually be polygenetic. This possibility differs from observations of historic eruptions (Wood, 1979), and is physically difficult to understand because cinder cone conduits are narrow and must solidify within a few years of eruption. Nonetheless, such multiple eruptions appear to have happened at least twice: Other cinder cones need to be closely reexamined.
You lie so unfolded
In a love field
With your contempt for any modesty
In a love field
In a love field
In a love field
You yield with your lips still sealed
In a love field
Lost in a sea of imaginary women
Everything you'd want
from the dawn to the dimming
Breath comes sharp and heart beats faster
In a love field
Cold ground for a pillow
Under a blanket of stars
In a love field
In a love field
In a love field
Headlights that startled
This embrace of hours
In a love field
In a crooked house
Where things can be arranged
You think you're different from the rest
But you don't see how you've changed
Under an archway
On a road of white linen
In a love field
Feel the anxious rhythm of a functional stranger
In a love field
In a love field
In a love field
She's so tense but it's never mentioned