Laura Bullion (October 1876 – December 2, 1961) was a female outlaw of the Old West. Most sources indicate Bullion was born of German and Native American heritage in Knickerbocker, near Mertzon in Irion County, Texas; the exact day of her birth is unclear. Data in the 1880 and 1900 Federal Census suggest a Laura Bullion might have been born on a farm in the township of Palarm near Conway in Faulkner County, Arkansas, and might have grown up in Tom Green County, Texas. Other sources claim Laura Bullion was born in Kentucky in 1873.
In the 1890s, Laura Bullion was a member of Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch gang; her cohorts were fellow outlaws, including the Sundance Kid, "Black Jack" Ketchum, and Kid Curry. For several years in the 1890s, she was romantically involved with outlaw Ben Kilpatrick ("The Tall Texan"), a bank and train robber and an acquaintance of her father, who had been an outlaw, as well. In 1901, Bullion was convicted of robbery and sentenced to five years in prison for her participation in the Great Northern train robbery. She was released in 1905 after serving three years and six months of her punishment.
La rebelion, por fin vamos a por ti;
sublevacion y a kemar esta nazion.
Sr. presidente estoy hasta los huevos
de vd. y de su gente
y es ke ya se lo supliko
kiteme de enzima las fuerzas de orden publiko
La rebelion, por fin vamos a por ti;
sublevacion y a kemar esta nazion.
La komisaria pareze mi kasa
siempre paso por alli al menos
un dia a la semana.
solo fumo petas, bebo komo un kosako
y me meto anfetas por pasar el rato.
La rebelion, por fin vamos a por ti;
sublevacion y a kemar esta nazion.
Digame por ke siempre detienen
a los mismos
por las krestas, por las greñas
a vd. le da lo mismo
te kitan los porros
y no puedes privar en la kalle,
hasta kuando piensas durar
me kagüen tu padre.
La rebelion, por fin vamos a por ti;
sublevacion y a kemar esta nazion.