...States, Europe, and LatinAmerica ... In Mexico and Latin America, the culture of heartbreak is deeply rooted in music, poetry, and everyday life, turning lost love into an act of collective catharsis.
Every year, teenage “tributes” are chosen by lot to take part ...The man who designs the parades for the games is Incitatus, after Caligula’s horse, and in the monstrous arena, which parodies the pastoral, Collins employs a trope from Latin poetry ... .
Yet, Ovid’s life was as dramatic as his poetry—marked by imperial favor, sudden disgrace, and a mysterious exile that has puzzled scholars for centuries ... Dating Ovid’s poetry is notoriously challenging ... Ovid’s LovePoetry.
when, where and why? Carl Orff composed “Carmina Burana” in 1936, drawing upon a disparate collection of poetry and songs, mostly in Latin and mostly by anonymous writers.