Origin Netherlands
Genres Hardcore punk
Power violence
Years active 1981–1987
Associated acts Manliftingbanner, Seein Red
Vocals - Menno
Vocals - Dorien
Guitar - Paul
Bass - Jos
Drums - Olav

Lärm (German for noise) were a Dutch straight edge thrashcore band formed in 1981, first playing under the name of Total Chaoz. Lärm pioneered what would later be called power violence, along with bands Heresy and Siege. However, they referred to their music as "extreme noise", though having nothing to do with noise rock or noise music.

Due to members being straight edge, which was something uncommon in the crust punk scene, Lärm were different from many bands at the time. The group also turned down contracts from record labels like Nuclear Blast, eventually resulting in their break up. Members went on to form Seein Red and the communist straight edge band Manliftingbanner, who played in a more conventional Youth Crew style.

Since 2003, Lärm played one show a year, though most have been with stand-in vocalists. Seein' Red has re-recorded some Lärm songs under the name Lärm as Fuck.

Discography [link]

  • 1984 - Campaign for Musical Destruction (Eenheidsfront Records)
  • 1986 - No One Can Be That Dumb
  • 1986 - Straight on View (One Step Ahead Records)
  • 1987 - Nothing Is Hard in This World if You Dare to Scale the Heights (Definite Choice)

Reissues [link]

  • 2003 - "Extreme Noise" (Coalition Records)

External links [link]




Cemento Armato

by: Le Orme

(A. Pagliuca - A. Tagliapietra)
Cemento armato la grande città
senti la vita che se ne va
vicino a casa non si respira,
è sempre buio ci si dispera.
Ci son più sirene nell'aria
che canti di usignoli.
E meglio fuggire e non tornare più.
Dolce risveglio il sole è con me.
Nell'aria le note di una chitarra.
la casa è lontana, gli amici di ieri,
è tutto svanito , non li ricordo più.
Cemento armato la grande città
