A lanyard is a cord or strap worn around the neck, shoulder, or wrist to carry such items as keys or identification cards. In the military, lanyards were used to fire an artillery piece or arm the fuze mechanism on an air-dropped bomb by pulling out a cotter pin (thereby starting the arming delay) when it leaves the aircraft. Aboard a ship, it may refer to a piece of rigging used to secure or lower objects.
The earliest references to lanyards date from 15th century France: "Lanière" was a thong or strap apparatus. In the French military, lanyards were used to connect a pistol, sword or whistle (for signalling) to a uniform semi-permanently. Lanyards were used by cavalry and naval officers at sea. A pistol lanyard can be easily removed and reattached by the user, but will stay connected to the pistol whether it is drawn or in a holster. In the 1966 Spaghetti Western The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, one of the main characters, Tuco Ramirez, carries his pistol on a rope cord lanyard. Eli Wallach, the actor who played the part of Tuco, reportedly told director Sergio Leone that it was too difficult to put a pistol into a holster without looking, so Leone put Wallach's pistol on a lanyard.
Codenamed Lanyard, the KH-6 was the unsuccessful first attempt to develop and deploy a high-resolution optical reconnaissance satellite by the United States National Reconnaissance Office. Launches and launch attempts spanned the period from March to July 1963. The project was quickly put together to get imagery of a site near Tallinn suspected of having anti-ballistic missiles. The satellite carried Itek's "E-5" camera developed for the Samos program, which had been cancelled. The camera had a focal length of 1.67 meters (66 inches) and could discern objects on the ground 1.8 m (6 ft) in size. The ground swath of the camera was 14 km by 74 km (9 mi by 46 mi). The satellite weighed 1500 kg, and had a single re-entry vehicle in which exposed film was returned to earth for a mid-air aircraft recovery. The KH-6 was manufactured by Lockheed and launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base on Thor-AgenaD rockets.
Three launch attempts were made. One attempt failed and another did not use any film.
Eu sou assim
Nunca soube recitar poesias
Não sei palavras de amor
Nem sou sedutor, não sei fingir, nem poderia
Eu não tenho ouro nem prata
Mas o meu maior tesouro eu te dei
Só quero o teu amor e mais nada
Você precisa entender, é que eu não sei dizer
Só sei que eu te amo demais
Nas noites sozinhos é o teu nome que eu chamo
Baby, eu te amo demais
Eu só sei dizer te amo, te amo
Como eu te amo
Te amo demais
Palavras valem menos que um olhar
Meu coração é quem vai te explicar
Da cabeça aos pés, eu vou te beijar
Como sábio na arte de amar
Não sei mentir para conquistar uma mulher
Daria tudo nesse mundo só pra ter você
O destino seja o que Deus quiser
Você precisa entender, é que eu não sei dizer