The language tax is an economic concept proposed by the Belgian economist Philippe Van Parijs. It is intended to compensate countries with a less widespread language for their expenses for teaching and translation.
Van Parijs points out that Jonathan Pool had proposed this kind of taxation in 1991 but criticizes Pool's proposal to distribute the cost of language learning on a per capita basis.
An analogous concept is found in the work of the Swiss economist François Grin, who argues that such countries are implicitly paying an impôt linguistique (literally also meaning "language tax") to countries with a "strong" language. In a similar sense, the ItalianRadical Party speaks of a tassa inglese ("English tax").
Unlike the House offering, the Senate’s language contained no “offset” sales tax increase ... “Take a look at the trigger language.” ... https.//
Kauffman, solicitor for the county elections board, said an issue arose when the school board wanted to place language in the question which would allow the district to raise taxes up to 11.87%.
The Senate accidentally approved a much faster phase-out of the state income tax, instead of the slower, more cautious measure it thought it had passed ...Similar typos were in other metrics of the trigger language.
... of recreational marijuana taxes the state collects annually ... Language in that initiative specified that one-quarter of the taxes collected would support conservation and outdoor recreation initiatives.
The letter expresses concern about “disruptive changes to our nation’s energy tax structure.” The New York Times and UtilityDive both interpreted the language as a reference to the ...
... troubled” at the way defrauded families were being treated as tax avoiders rather than innocent victims by HMRC, which insisted on using “neutral language” by calling them “taxpayers” or “customers”.
... kind of ballot measure, possibly in November 2025? Or 2026? The Council seemed confident that such a sales tax would ultimately be approved, if the ballot language didn’t frighten the voters.
Voters in the LangfordAreaSchool District will decide on Tuesday whether to approve a tax levy opt-out that would generate $575,000 annually in additional revenue ... The ballot language will present voters with the following question..
... who use a paid tax preparer should ask the preparer for the Consumer Bill of Rights Regarding Tax Preparers (additional languages available), read it carefully before having their taxes prepared.
Is the climate to your liking? Do you need to be near hospitals, schools, or transportation? What language do people speak, and will you need to learn it to get by? These aren’t just details—they can shape your experience living there.
A group of district residents met Monday evening at RyanElementary to hear SuperintendentKateWall and architect Shawn Parshall detail the project, which will require 4 mills of property taxes over 25 years to complete.
House and Senate leaders on Monday evening unveiled new plans to eliminate the state income tax and raise gasoline taxes — charting a path to more negotiations over the most notable legislative debate of the 2025 session.
County voters extended a 0.17% sales tax benefiting that fund in 2022 ...Glass would rather see parks tax dollars go to preserving open space than to a sports complex ... governed by ballot language.