Landstown High School
Landstown High School Governor's STEM and Technology Academy is a public secondary school located in Virginia Beach, Virginia which first opened in 2001.
The school features a Technology Academy, one of several magnet programs in Virginia Beach. Students throughout the city interested in a technology education can apply to learn from three different strands: pre-engineering technology, information technology, and entrepreneurship technology. Entry to the Academy requires recommendations, above average grades, and an electronic portfolio which demonstrates aptitude. It was founded as a general high school and technology magnet school in 2001 and additionally designated a Governor's STEM Academy during the 2012-2013 school year.
Landstown is home to the award winning "Eagle Elite" Madrigal (Chamber) Choir. Under the direction of Dr. Martha Springstead, the choral department has performed in NYC (2005) with the Heritage Festivals of Gold at Riverside Church, and are members of the Disney Honors, Class of 2006 and Class of 2011, held at Disney World.