Land tenure is the name given, particularly in common law systems, to the legal regime in which land is owned by an individual, who is said to "hold" the land (the French verb "tenir" means "to hold"; "tenant" is the present participle of "tenir"). The sovereign monarch, known as The Crown, held land in its own right. All private owners are either its tenants or sub-tenants. The term "tenure" is used to signify the relationship between tenant and lord, not the relationship between tenant and land.
Over history, many different forms of land ownership, i.e., ways of owning land, have been established.
A landholder/landowner is a holder of the estate in land with considerable rights of ownership or, simply put, an owner of land.
Historically in the system of feudalism, the lords who received land directly from the Crown were called tenants-in-chief. They doled out portions of their land to lesser tenants in exchange for services, who in turn divided it among even lesser tenants. This process—that of granting subordinate tenancies—is known as subinfeudation. In this way, all individuals except the monarch were said to hold the land "of" someone else.
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Sospeso in verticale
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? il punto in cui sorrido
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Ma ? quello che ti sfugge
? il punto in cui sorrido
? un semplice dettaglio
Ma io divento vulnerabile
Rivedo in verticale
Rivedo e fuori il giorno
? acceso
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La pellicola si inceppa, si riavvolge
E ritorna esattamente a quella scena
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? il punto in cui sorrido
? un semplice dettaglio
Ed anche se ti sfugge
Ti dice quel che voglio
? il punto in cui sorrido
? il modo in cui mi sveglio
La frase che si ostina
A uscire nel momento
Meno opportuno
Ti si ricompone addosso
E dipinge quello che non vuoi sentire
? il punto in cui sorrido
? un semplice dettaglio
Ma io divento vulnerabile
Sto pensando al modo di nascondermi
Sto pensando al modo di nascondermi
Sto pensando al modo di riprendere il discorso
Dal punto in cui sorrido
Dal punto in cui sorrido