Coordinates: 55°39′46″N 4°32′24″W / 55.662752°N 4.539894°W / 55.662752; -4.539894
Lambroughton is a village in the old Barony of Kilmaurs, North Ayrshire, Scotland. This is a rural area famous for its milk and cheese production and the Ayrshire or Dunlop breed of cattle.
The surname and place name both appear to be derived from that of the clan McLamroch. Only a handful of people in Great Britain have that name today. The Scottish Genealogical Society refer to a family tree which derives the McLamroch's from the Cunnigham (Cunningham) family. McLandsborough, Landsborough, Landsburgh, Lamroch, Lamrochton, Lamrock, Lamberton are all variants. The lands of Lambroughton lie in the parish of Dreghorn and have therefore given rise to a fairly common personal name. Several graves in the neighbouring parish church of Kilmaurs: St Maurs-Glencairn carry the name Lamberton, a William Lambroughton was the 'Kilmaurs poet' (See Additional notes) and the name is now found all over the World. A Laird of Lamrochton is recorded in the 14th century. In 1691 the surname Lamrochtoun is found in use only for Kilmaurs in the Ayrshire Hearth Tax records.
(slowa i muzyka: Kukiz)
Kiedys bylas ma dziewczyna
Lecz sie zjawil Lombardino
Lezal z toba pod pierzyna
Kiedy otworzylem drzwi
Az po twarzy lzy mi plyna
Lombardino, Lombardino
Wypil nawet moje wino
Na gitarze mojej gral
Lombardino, Lombardino
Jak namowil cie na kino
Byly filmy z Ciciolina
A za oknem padal deszcz
Lombardino byl uroczy
Pokochalas jego oczy
Nie wiedzialem, ze sie stoczysz
Nie wiedzialem wtedy nic
Ooo Lombardino x 8
Ja i ty
Jestes dla mnie tylko swinia
Bo uleglas Lombardino
Lombardino, Lombardino
W czym ode mnie lepszy jest
Ja ufalem ci dziewczyno
A ty poszlas z Lombardino
Lombardino, Lombardino
W moim lozku tuli cie
Wczoraj znowu bylem w chacie
Jadl sniadanie w mym krawacie
Mial na sobie moje gacie
I kielbasa karmil psa
Lata plyna, lata plyna
Mieszka z nami Lombardino
Z ma dziewczyna, z ma jedyna
Lombardino, ja i ty
Ooo Lombardino x 8
Ja i ty
Lata plyna, lata plyna
Mieszka z nami Lombardino
Co dzien mu kupuje wino
Na gitarze wciaz mu gram
Lombardino, Lombardino
Z ma dziewczyna pod pierzyna
Lombardino, Lombardino
Kolorowe zycie ma
Ooo Lombardino x 8
Kolorowe zycie ma
Ooo Lombardino x 8