Lamaní is a municipality in the Honduran department of Comayagua. It is located about 25 minutes from the City of Comayagua, in the vicinity of the Piedra Parada Mountain.
Many of Lamaní's residents own farms where they raise cows and other livestock. Farmers also cultivate rice, beans, corn, lettuce, tomato, wheat, among other crops.
Some residents immigrate to the United States to work and provide income to their families. Being a small town, Lamaní immigrants know each other and tend to stay in touch, sometimes forming neighborhoods with a lot of Lamaní immigrants in the United States.
It has recently undergone changes to its physical and communications infrastructure, such as paving of roads, access to the internet, cable television service, etc. They have their own medical clinic and preparatory schools. Some studious residents have turned out to be lawyers, doctors, engineers, and even soccer players, most notably Fernando "Azulejo" Bulnes, who played for Atlético Español of Tegucigalpa in 1965-1966.
In the Book of Mormon, Laman (/ˈleɪ.mən/) and Lemuel (/ˈlɛm.juːl/) are the two eldest sons of Lehi and the older brothers of Sam, Nephi, Jacob, and Joseph. According to the text, they lived around 600 BC. They were notable for their rebellion against Lehi and Nephi, becoming the primary antagonists of the First and Second Books of Nephi. They and their descendants became known as the Lamanites, while the descendants of Nephi and their other brothers became the Nephites.
Laman was Lehi's first-born son. He rejected the teachings of his father (in particular Lehi's prophecy of the forthcoming destruction of Jerusalem in 600 BC). He and Lemuel persecuted and beat their brothers Sam and Nephi, who supported Lehi. Because God chose Nephi to lead Lehi's descendants after his death, Laman maintained that he had been robbed of his birthright, resulting in constant wars between the two peoples for nearly 600 years.
In the Book of Mormon there are incidences of Laman and Lemuel beating or binding up Nephi. On the first occurrence, when they were beating Nephi and Sam with a rod, it tells how an angel visited the brothers, and the angel rebuked Laman and Lemuel. On other occasions, Laman and Lemuel were chastened by the voice of the Lord, or "shocked" by divine power.
Laman or Lamane may refer to:
E mi trovo a scrivere frasi che non so
e che non sapr?...
...ricordi fragili
dividono a met? la nostra intimit? e tu...
Dormi...? domenica...
Ma il tempo passa e il sole resta ancora sveglio.
E' l'unica verit?, vera, chimica,
rimani ancora qui...che bella che sei.
E mi trovo a dire parole che non ho
e che mai avr?...
pensieri umidi
costringono a met? la nostra infinit? e tu...
Dormi...? domenica...
Ma il tempo passa e il sole resta ancora sveglio.
E' l'unica verit?, vera, chimica,
rimani ancora qui...che bella che sei.
rimani con me
tra poesie e ricordi che rimangono sospesi mentre tu..
Dormi... ? domenica...
Ma il tempo passa e il sole resta ancora sveglio.
E' l'unica verit?, vera, chimica,
rimani ancora qui...che bella che sei...che bella che sei...che sei...