Lake Abaya (Abaya Hayk in Amharic) is a lake in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region of Ethiopia.
In 1896 Lake Abaya was renamed "Lake Margherita" after the Queen Margherita of Savoy, wife of King Humbert I of Italy by the Italian explorer Vittorio Bottego who first explored the region. The name "Lake Margherita" is still used in Italy while is now obsolete in other countries.
Lake Abaya is located in the Main Ethiopian Rift, east of the Guge Mountains. It is fed on its northern shore by the Bilate which rises on the southern slopes of Mount Gurage, and the Gidabo. The town of Arba Minch lies on its southwestern shore, and the southern shores are part of the Nechisar National Park. Just to the south is Lake Chamo. Lake Abaya is 60 kilometers long and 20 wide, with a surface area of 1162 square kilometers. It has a maximum depth of 13.1 meters and is at an elevation of 1285 meters. There are a number of islands in this lake, the largest being Aruro; others include Gidicho, Welege, Galmaka, and Alkali. The lake is red due to a high load of suspended sediments. Lake Abaya does not always have an outflow, but in some years it overflows into Lake Chamo.
(lyrics + music: LUCCO B.)
1) Komme ins Oderbruch an den Oderdeich
oder fehlt dir der Mut?
Mit Sand und Schippe kämpften wir alle
gemeinsam gegen die Flut
Im Oderbruch liegt in sandiger Mark
eine Oase, ein riesiger Park.
Im Oderbruch, da ist Landschaft pur,
am Ufer der Oder regiert die Natur
2) Nebel steigt langsam über die Felder
über den Deichen ist Ruh
Wir sitzen zusammen, geniessen die Nächte,
der Nebel deckt uns zu
3) Märkisches Leben, märkische Lande
lohnen jeden Besuch
Die Mark Brandenburg gibt sich die Ehre
lädt ein ins Oderbruch