Lagosians (French: Lagosiens) are the people who are identified with Lagos State. This connection may be cultural, historical, legal and residential. For most Lagosians, many of those types of connections exist and are the source(s) of their being considered Lagosians.
The vast majority of the population of Lagosian is made up of the Old World immigrants, Brazilians and their descendants. Following the British colonization, different peaks of immigration and settlement of non-aboriginal peoples took place over the course of nearly two centuries and continue today.
Elements of Aboriginal, Portuguese, British and more recent immigrant customs, languages and religions have combined to form the culture of Lagos and also a Lagosian identity.
Lagos had strongly been influenced by its linguistic, geographic and economic neighbor, the Republic of Benin.
Lagosians independence from Great Britain in 1807 following the abolished of the Slave Trade grew gradually before Nigeria became independent on October 1, 1960 and the adoption of the Republican constitution in 1963 that led to the creation of Lagos State on May 27, 1967 by virtue.