Despina Achladioti (Greek: Δέσποινα Αχλαδιώτη) known as the Lady of Ro (Greek: Κυρά της Ρω) was a Greek patriot born on the island of Kastellórizo in 1890. Before the start of World War II, in which her home island was ravaged repeatedly, Achladioti sailed with her husband and mother to the nearby deserted island of Ro where they lived off of a few goats, chickens, and a vegetable garden. Her two companions died only years after the arrival, and Achladioti personally rowed her mother's remains back to Kastellórizo for burial. She has been compared to Joan d'Arc and Boudica.
Achladioti's most renowned deed is that every day she would fly a Greek flag over the island even though the island was not formally part of Greece (as with the rest of the Dodecanese controlled by Italy) till 1948. This made her a Greek hero, especially when Greece nearly went to war with Turkey in the 1970s, because the flag would be easily visible from Turkish soil. She raised the flag every day, regardless of the weather, from the time she arrived on the island until her death on May 13, 1982 at the age of 92. Despite not having veteran status, she was buried on the island with full military honors.
In a bottle of noodles
I found a small green fish
Who told a fish story
He could grant me any wish
"OK!" I said, "That sounds great
I think I understand"
The fish rolled up his sleeves
And said "Your wish is my command"
I want a box of gold
And a palace of pearls
A nice big pool for my sad-eyed girls
I want a car that can fly
And X-Ray eyes
I'd wish for more wishes
''cause it can't get better than this!
So there it was, that's it!
I can quit my job
I've got better things to do all day
''cause in my spare time
I'm in a Rock n' Roll band
And in my full time
I just sit and wait
For my box of gold
And my palace of pearls
A nice big pool for my sad-eyed girls
For the car that can fly
for my X-Ray eyes
I'd like more wishes
''cause it can't get better than this!
I can do anything
''cause I'm wishing for everything!
It could happen
it could happen
Will it be?
You tell me?
Does it get much better than this?
When I woke up
I found the bottle was gone
Someone took it away
i guess I'll just have to wait
For my box of gold
And my palace of pearls
A nice big pool for my sad-eyed girls
For the car that can fly
for my X-Ray eyes
I wish I had more wishes
''cause it didn't get better than this!
I can do anything
''cause I'm wishing for everything!
It could happen
it could happen
Will it be?
You tell me?