Labin (Italian: Albona) is a town in Istria, Croatia, with a town population of 6,893 (2011) and 11,642 in the greater municipality (which also includes the small towns of Rabac and Vinež, as well as a number of smaller villages).
Labin developed from the site of the Roman settlement of Albona. Before and under the Roman occupation, Albona was an important commune. On a marble tablet the Roman inscription we read that under the Emperor Marco Iulio Severo Filippo noble Caesar noble Prince made Albona a Republic. To be a republic it had to have two joined Magistrates called Duumviri and Public officers called Aediles which took care of Public buildings and other official duties.
From 1295 it was under the rule of the dukes of Pazin, and from 1381 it found itself under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Aquileia. From 1420 until 1797 it was ruled from Venice and after that belonged to Austria. Labin, as a Croatian-speaking town, was for a long time the centre of Croatia's largest coal mining district, with four mines operating at the height of its production. In March and April 1921, the town was the scene of a miners' strike which quickly grew into an anti-fascist rebellion, considered to be the first of its kind, and the declaration of the short-lived Labin Republic (also known as the Albona Republic). The mine in downtown Albona closed in the 1950s, while the last mine was closed down in 1989. The large, coal-fired power plant in nearby Fianona now has its coal imported from outside sources once the mines were closed.
Lascia aperta la finestra che entra aria dammi un po' di tregua, lascia che io segua, che vedale cose come sono, sii buono lascia che mi arrivi il suono in stereo e non in mono. Dammi una visione a tutto campo dammi tempo, conta fino a cento, sento qualcosa che da sotto fa rumore suona forte dove nasce ma se esce muore lascialo suonare, c'e' gente che lo vuol sentire! Non metterci le mani non si puo' imitare altrimenti perde quel sapore particolare quel ruvido che rende originale. Smolla, non si controlla, il tipo gira sulla schiena e sulla testa e intorno c'e' la folla. Lscia fare a chi sa farlo bene conviene togliersi di mezzo, la Pina non si tiene!
La La La He He Hei La La La He He Hei ti parlo d'arte che sta fuori dai musei di gente agile, abile nel muoversi di notte dipinge lettere illegali con le tasche vuote. Suonano le bombole di chi ci crede suonano le ruote di una tavola sul marciapiede suona il maicrofono che tengo in mano suona chiaro, suona come sono. Lascia aperta la finestra che entra aria nuova, ci si prova, l'importante e' che anche tu ci creda! La senti nei polmoni, nel cavallo basso dei tuoi pantaloni, la senti nei campioniche girano sereni nella base, ribaltano le case del tuo paese.