Magnitude may refer to:

In mathematics:

In astronomy:

  • Magnitude (astronomy), a measure of brightness and brightness differences used in astronomy
    • Apparent magnitude, the apparent brightness of a celestial object as observed from Earth
    • Absolute magnitude, the brightness of a celestial object corrected to a standard luminosity distance
    • Photographic magnitude, the brightness of a celestial object corrected for photographic sensitivity, symbol mpg
  • Magnitude of eclipse or geometric magnitude, the size of the eclipsed part of the Sun during a solar eclipse or the Moon during a lunar eclipse

As an earthquake unit of measure:

In popular culture:

  • Magnitude, a recurring character from the television series Community

Labeled magnitude scale

The Labeled Magnitude Scale (LMS) is a scaling technique which uses quasi-logarithmic spacing. The scale consists of different intensities and subjects are asked to put a mark on the line where they think they intensity of the sensation fits.


