Adenanthera pavonina is a perennial and non-climbing species of leguminous tree. Its uses include food and drink, traditional medicine, and timber.
Adenanthera pavonina is commonly called Red Lucky Seed. Other common names for the tree include Acacia Coral, Arbre À Église, Bead Tree, Circassian Seed, Corail Végétale, Coral Wood, Coralitos, Curly Bean, Deleite, Delicia, Dilmawi, Graine-réglisse, Jumbi-Bead, L'Église, Peronías, Peonía, Peonía Extranjera, Red Bead Tree, Red Sandalwood, Red Sandalwood Tree, and Réglisse. Barbados pride, Peacock flower fence, Sandalwood tree, Saga, and Manchadi are additional common names. Synonyms for the tree include Adenanthera gersenii Scheff., Adenanthera polita Miq., and Corallaria parvifolia Rumph. In Kerala where Adenanthera pavonina trees are abundant, the seeds are called Manjadi (മഞ്ചാടി).
The tree is common within the tropics of the old world. It has also been introduced in the following countries of the Americas: Brazil, especially in Caatinga vegetation; Costa Rica, Honduras, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Tobago, Venezuela, and the United States, especially in southern Florida.
Saga is an annual musical festival organized by Royal College Colombo. The first SAGA was held in 2004 and since then has become an important event on Colombo's cultural calendar. It is named after the ancient Greek epic poems the Odyssey and the Iliad attributed to Homer. In the aspect of oriental music the term referred to the oriental version of sing musical scales as ‘Sa’ refers to the oriental equivalent of the 1st degree- “Do” while “Ga” refers to the equivalent of the 3rd degree, or “Me”
For many years before Saga, an annual concert performed by the by Royal College Hostel named Miyasi Meerawaya. Miyasi Meerawaya was limited to hostelers, however Upali Gunasekara, the newly appointed Principal of Royal College Colombo wished to broaden the scope for every one to perform. As a result Saga I was organized in 2004 with the leadership of Principal Upali Gunasekara and Music Teacher Ashoka Pushpakumara. The project was joined by the School Development Society of the College which was in the process of developing a fundraising event to help development projects within the school. With it the two projects merged becoming one of the largest national events. Over the years dance and drama were added to the event.
Saga (佐賀市 Saga-shi) is the capital city of Saga Prefecture, located on the island of Kyushu, Japan.
Saga was the capital of Saga Domain in the Edo period, and largest city of former Hizen Province.
As of February 1, 2009, the city has an estimated population of 238,934 and a population density of 554 persons per km². The total area is 431.42 km².
On October 1, 2005, Saga absorbed the towns of Fuji, Morodomi and Yamato (all from Saga District) and the village of Mitsuse (from Kanzaki District) to create the new and expanded city of Saga. With this creation, the city now neighbors the city of Fukuoka (in Fukuoka Prefecture).
On October 1, 2007 the towns of Higashiyoka, Kawasoe, and Kubota (all from Saga District) were also incorporated into Saga, further expanding its borders.
Although Saga is the capital of Saga Prefecture, it can also be said to be within the Greater Fukuoka metropolitan area, and by extension, Fukuoka-Kitakyushu Metropolitan Area.
Denny's (also known as Denny's Diner on some of the locations' signage) is a full-service pancake house/coffee shop/fast casual family restaurant chain. It operates over 1,600 restaurants in the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, Canada, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Curaçao, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Honduras, Japan (transliterated as デニーズ Denīzu), Mexico, New Zealand, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates.
Denny's is known for always being open, serving breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert around the clock. Unlike many other restaurant chains, Denny's does not close on holidays or nights, except where required by law. Many of their restaurants are located in proximity to freeway exits, bars, and in service areas. Denny's started franchising in 1963, and most Denny's restaurants are now franchisee-owned.
Harold Butler and Richard Jezak opened Danny's Donuts in Lakewood, CA in 1953. In 1955, after Jezak's departure from the then-6-store chain, Butler created and changed the concept a year later in 1956, shifting it from a donut shop to a coffee shop with store #8. Danny's Donuts was renamed Danny's Coffee Shops and changed its operation to 24 hours. In 1959, to avoid confusion with Los Angeles restaurant chain Coffee Dan's, Butler changed the name from Danny's Coffee Shops to Denny's Coffee Shops. Two years later, in 1961, Denny's Coffee Shops was simply renamed Denny's. The business continued to expand, and by 1981, there were over 1,000 restaurants in all 50 U.S. states. The company absorbed many of the old Sambo's restaurants, and used their mid-century design in all their future restaurants. In 1977, Denny's introduced the still-popular Grand Slam breakfast. In 1994, Denny's became the largest corporate sponsor of Save the Children, a national charity. All but six Denny's closed for the first time ever on Christmas 1988; many of the restaurants were built without locks, and some had reportedly lost their keys.
Chorus :
La vie est belle le destin s'en écarte
Personne ne joue avec les mêmes cartes
Le berceau lève le voile, multiples sont les routes qu'il dévoile
Tant pis on n'est pas nés sous la même étoile
Pourquoi fortune et infortune, pourquoi suis-je né
Les poches vides, pourquoi les siennes sont-elles pleines de tunes
Pourquoi j'ai vu mon père en cyclo partir travailler
Juste avant le sien en trois pièces gris et BMW
La monnaie est une belle femme qui n'épouse pas les pauvres
Sinon pourquoi suis-je là tout seul marié sans dote
Pourquoi pour lui c'est crèche et vacances
Pour moi c'est stade de foot sans cage, sans filet, sans même une ligne
Pourquoi pour lui c'est l'équitation pour moi
Les bastons, pour lui la coke, pour moi les flics en faction
Je dois me débrouiller pour manger certains soirs
Pourquoi lui se gave de saumon sur lit de caviar
Certains naissent dans les choux d'autres dans la merde
Pourquoi ça pue autour de moi Quoi! Pourquoi tu me cherches?
Pourquoi chez lui c'est des Nöel ensoillés
Pourquoi chez moi le rêve est évincé par une réalité glacée
Lui a droit à des études poussées
Pourquoi j'ai pas assez d'argent pour acheter leurs livres et leurs cahiers
Pourquoi j'ai dÃ' stopper les cours
Pourquoi lui n'avait de frère a nourrir, pourquoi j'ai dealé chaque jour
Pourquoi quand moi je plonge, lui passe sa thèse
Pourquoi les cages d'aciers, les cages dorées agissent à leur aise
Son astre brillait plus que le mien sous la grande toile
Pourquoi ne suis-je pas né sous la même étoile
Comme Issa, pourquoi je ne suis pas né sous la bonne étoile
Veillant sur moi ? Couloirs plein de toiles, crachats
Tchatche à deux francs, courbettes des tapettes devant
Supporter de grandir dans 1 franc, c'est trop décevant
Simplement en culotte courte
Ne pas faire la pelle mécanique plate avec des pots de yaourt
C'est pas grave, je n'en veux pas à personne, si mon heure sonne
Je m'en irais comme je suis venu
Adolescent incandescant chiant à tour de bras sur le fruit déferlu
Innocents, témoins de types abattus dans la rue
C'est une enfance? De la pourriture, ouais
Je ne draguais pas, mais virait des tartes aux petites avec les coettes
Pâle de peur devant mon père, ma soeur portait le voile
Je revois, à l'école les gosses qui la croisent, se poêlent
C'est rien Léa, si on n'étaient moins scrupuleux
Un peu de jeu du feu on serait comme eux
Mais j'ai pleuré pour avoir un job, comme un crevard sans boire
Les "je t'aime" Ã mes parents, seul dans mon lit le soir
Chacun son boulet, sans ambition la vie c'est trop long
Écrire des poèmes, pisser violent dans un violon
Tu te fixes sur le wagon, c'est la locomotive que tu manges
C'est pas la couleur, c'est le compte de banque
J'exprime mon avis, même si tout le monde s'en fiche
Je ne serais pas comme ça si j'avais vu la vie riche.