Nuestra Señora de La Paz (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈnwes.tɾa seˈɲoɾa ðe la pas]; English: Our Lady of Peace), commonly known as La Paz (/lɑː ˈpɑːz/; Spanish pronunciation: [la ˈpas]), named Chuqi Yapu in Aymara, is Bolivia's third-most populous city (after Santa Cruz and El Alto), the seat of the country's government, and the capital of La Paz Department. It is located on the western side of Bolivia at an elevation of roughly 3,650 m (11,975 ft) above sea level.
It is, de facto, the world's highest administrative capital. While the official capital of Bolivia (and its seat of justice) is Sucre, La Paz has more government departments.
In May 2015, La Paz was officially recognized as one of the New7Wonders Cities together with Vigan, Doha, Durban, Havana, Beirut, and Kuala Lumpur.
The city sits in a bowl surrounded by the high mountains of the altiplano. As it grew, the city of La Paz climbed the hills, resulting in varying elevations from 3,200 to 4,100 m (10,500 to 13,500 ft). Overlooking the city is towering triple-peaked Illimani, which is always snow-covered and can be seen from many parts of the city, including from the neighboring city of El Alto. As of the 2008 census, the city had a population of 877,363.
1008 La Paz is a main-belt asteroid about 39 kilometers in diameter. It was discovered by German astronomer Max Wolf at Heidelberg Observatory on October 31, 1923. Its provisional designation was 1923 PD. It was named after the city La Paz in Bolivia.
La Paz Municipality may refer to:
Coordinates: 33°50′25″N 113°56′34″W / 33.84028°N 113.94278°W
La Paz County is a county in the western part of the U.S. state of Arizona. As of the 2010 census, its population was 20,489, making it the second-least populous county in Arizona. The county seat is Parker. The name of the county is the Spanish word for "the peace", and is taken from the early settlement (now ghost town) of La Paz along the Colorado River.
La Paz County was established in 1983 after voters approved separating the northern portion of Yuma County, making it the only county to be established after Arizona became a state in 1912. The county did not have a large enough tax base to begin supporting a separate county government immediately and had to rely on state money at first. As a result Arizona laws were changed to make splitting other existing counties much more difficult.
The Colorado River Indian Reservation is located in the western portion of the county. Part of the reservation extends westward into San Bernardino and Riverside Counties in California.
The La Paz (B&O #5503) is a 56-seat revenue coach built for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad by Pullman-Standard in 1949. La Paz was built for the new lightweight Columbian trainset for travel between Baltimore, Maryland, and Chicago, Illinois, via Washington, D.C. La Paz was named in honor of La Paz, Indiana, an important city on the B&O line.
Today, La Paz is part of the collection of the Railway Museum of Greater Cincinnati in Covington, Kentucky.
This is a list of craters on Mars. There are hundreds of thousands of impact crater on Mars, but only some of them have names. This list here only contains named Martian craters starting with the letter H – N (see also lists for A – G and O – Z).
Large Martian craters (greater than 60 km in diameter) are named after famous scientists and science fiction authors; smaller ones (less than 60 km in diameter) get their names from towns on Earth. Craters cannot be named for living people, and small crater names are not intended to be commemorative - that is, a small crater isn't actually named after a specific town on Earth, but rather its name comes at random from a pool of terrestrial place names, with some exceptions made for craters near landing sites. Latitude and longitude are given as planetographic coordinates with west longitude.
La Paz is a Scottish rock band that was originally formed in 1984 by Doogie White, Chic McSherry and Alex Carmichael. The group toured around in Scotland in the early 80's and released two albums. The band broke up in 1988 when Doogie White quit the band to join Midnight Blue and later Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow.
La Paz played live regularly, sometimes playing over a hundred gigs in a year throughout Scotland. They also played the world-famous Marquee Club in London as well as some festivals. They were featured regularly in the rock magazine Kerrang (Derek Oliver becoming a big fan of the band) and attracted interest from a number of UK and US record companies, finally agreeing terms with one of them for a three album deal. However, the deal fell through at the very last minute and Doogie White moved to London to pursue his career alone.
The band was reunited again in 2009 and released two new albums: Granite in 2012 and The Dark And The Light 2013; both on the Polish record label, Metal Mind Productions.
Pon tu granito de arena en tu tierra por la paz
si vienes con guerras te doy la mano y digo paz
Que pensareis si hablo de establecer la paz y apaciguar conflictos con estrictos escritos que dicto, que pensareis si hablo de paz en los tiempos que corren, de atiborres sin que ahorre haber despues quien me socorre que pensareis si hablo de paz y despues gloria si hay demasiada escoria entre lineas divisorias que pensareis si hablo de paz en el cielo y la tierra si acabamos de empezar un nuevo siglo en guerra, que pensareis dime que hareis cuando veais que el bien es superior al mal valláis donde valláis soñando estais pues porque no es asi desgraciadamente no es asi aunque te contente a ti el vivir es un sin vivir y no hay simil cuando la desunion avanza a mil por hora ya que todos hoy le temen a una espora que por controversicas disputas no obtienen una mejora porque el orgullo ahora es lo que mas se valora implora o si quieres llora no hay remedio porque mientras halla envidias no habra calma en este reino y dire que no al ataque mortifero yo medire al milimetro aunque me quiten el oxigeno dire que no y tu que haras desesperaras por furia o colera detestaras al proximo que venga descontentaras vengo en son de paz a contagiaros mi armonia y asi tomen nota del mensaje como yo lo haria
Pon tu granito de arena en tu tierra por la paz
si vienes con guerras te doy la mano y digo paz
Hagamos de nuestras vidas un hallazgo, descubrir que no sabemos y por supuesto lo conocido controlarlo, al parecer dificil acto que escapa de nuestras manos, las mismas que utilizais para guantear golpear y asi desahogaros hacia ambos lados andamos pasamos del bien al mal en escasos segundo y si no probadlo me pregunto porque no hay dialogo porque esos cambios tan rapidos porque venderle el alma al diablo? Paso todos hemos sido culpables algun dia ahora bien cumple paga que el diablo pasa lista mañana dios dira si tu alma sigue sana y salva entre las masas me escogio la santa la cual me salva debeis saber que ahí fuera nos esperan trampas preparadas para caer ya y asi saber lo que hay por ahí algo que va solo metodo arreglarlo todo con el mismo modo que los hinchas del galatasarai mirad hacia la cima haber quien hay si es que buscais a alguien yo no veo a nadie supongo que hay que mirar bien para cuenta darse pero yo no tengo vista de ave lo unico que noto es el aire en el ambiente hay quien se cree dios por su fuerza fisica hay quien tan solo a dar palos se dedica imitan ser alguien importante fuerte duro a lo iron maiden hay quien es asi peor que alguien escuchame nen este es mi referendum yo ganar el tour no tu sin ser medium me veo en el podium a un segundo yo estuve de ser un mal comun intenta no arreglar a palos lo que puedas arreglar con un valium de tu acritud ser tu ataud por tu actitud llego tu ultimatim rapido igual que la luz gran alud caera en nuestros albums invCluyendo la histpria según tu belica teoria a lo mamut mira no se si somos personas civilizadas o mas bien australopitecus continuo lapsus momentos en los que dices veras tu haciendo amistad
Pon tu granito de arena en tu tierra por la paz
si vienes con guerras te doy la mano y digo paz
Dame una causa o mil motivos para ser siempre tan ofensivo, enrrabietado y por nada esta agresivo, el chiquillo, el que ya no es tan chiquillo, el que te saca ya el cuchillo, el que te apunta porque siempre da al gatillo, sacaste la violencia porque vives en este mundo de violencia, pero hasta esta hay que usarla con coherencia, salió corriendo hullo el hip hop aquel que no sirvio de escaparate hacia el respeto y mucho suena a disparate jamas competicion sin la poesia y sin el arte sin la fuerza que te hizo contra nazis levantarte quizas el no saber que hacer quizas el no saber como hacer para ganarse un vuelco, un buen asiento, una parcela, las criticas con odio pa los viejos ya no cuelan pero provocaran las iras de los que son hoy la nueva escuela y el ser hoy la colmena de los insultos gratuitos en vez de un universo con ingeniosos escritos con calma son los versos de falsalarma paz se llama y ya concluyo dejo de irme por las ramas una frase mas directa, escucha es esta busca competicion cuando exista la paz en tu corazon
Paz en ti mismo, paz en tu casa, en tu entorno y en tu mirada, en tus propositos, paz y respeto en el mundo, tu sabes, paz y respeto en el hip hop
Pon tu granito de arena en tu tierra por la paz
si vienes con guerras te doy la mano y digo paz