Serge Lama (born Serge Chauvier on 11 February 1943 in Bordeaux) is a French singer and songwriter.
His most famous song is Je Suis Malade, written with Alice Dona. It has been performed by a number of artists including Lara Fabian and Dalida.
In 1971, Lama represented France in the Eurovision Song Contest with the song Un jardin sur la terre, which was placed tenth.
The Fronde (French pronunciation: [fʀɔ̃d]) was a series of civil wars in France between 1648 and 1653, occurring in the midst of the Franco-Spanish War, which had begun in 1635. The king confronted the combined opposition of the princes, the nobility, the law courts (parlements), and most of the French people, and yet won out in the end.
The Fronde was divided into two campaigns, the Fronde of the parlements and the Fronde of the nobles. The timing of the outbreak of the Fronde des parlements, directly after the Peace of Westphalia (1648) that ended the Thirty Years War, was significant. The nuclei of the armed bands that terrorized parts of France under aristocratic leaders during this period had been hardened in a generation of war in Germany, where troops still tended to operate autonomously. Louis XIV, impressed as a young ruler with the experience of the Fronde, came to reorganize French fighting forces under a stricter hierarchy whose leaders ultimately could be made or unmade by the King. A. Lloyd Moote argues that Cardinal Mazarin blundered into the crisis but came out well ahead at the end. The Fronde represented the final attempt of the French nobility to do battle with the king, and they were humiliated. The long-term result was to strengthen Royal authority, but to weaken the economy. The Fronde facilitated the emergence of absolute monarchy.
Oh, comme les saumons,
Retrouver ma première source
Et contre mes flancs moribonds
Sentir l'eau des premières courses,
Déposer les oeufs en amont
D'où naîtront les futurs saumons
Oh, comme les saumons,
Retrouver l'eau claire de l'enfance
Et respirer à pleins poumons
L'eau pure de mes premières danses
Dans les premiers remous qui m'ont
Donné envie d'être un saumon
Putain de rivière!
Entre moi et moi, ils ont dressé
Des murs de pierres
J'ai beau sauter
Je retombe toujours en arrière,
Toujours en arrière
Putain de rivière!
J'ai beau tournoyer de sauts
En sauts vers la lumière,
Je n'atteindrai jamais
Jamais la source première,
Je mourrai derrière
Oh, comme les saumons,
Retrouver l'eau de ma Garonne
Et faire mes premiers plongeons
Dans l'eau jaune qui tourbillonne
Et nager parmi les ajoncs
Où j'ai rêvé d'être un saumon
Oh, comme les saumons,
Sentir le torrent qui commence
Et zigzaguer entre les monts
Et les rocs de l'adolescence
Vers des eaux de moins en moins claires,
Aller faire l'amour dans la mer
Putain de rivière!
C'est déjà assez les rochers,
Les courants contraires,
Combien d'entre nous atteindront
A l'heure dernière
La source première?
Putain de rivière!