LPG-powered scooter
An LPG powered scooter is a scooter powered by liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or autogas. The scooters are in use in China and many parts of Southern Asia.
Shanghai has banned petrol scooters/mopeds and only allows LPG scooters to be used in the city due to air pollution. About 190,000 gasoline mopeds were eliminated between 2001 and 2004, replaced by 140,000 LPG mopeds as of 2004, at which time the city had over 100 LPG refueling stations. In 1996 the city's 500,000 gasoline mopeds were responsible one fifth of the air pollution in Shanghai, so in 1997 the city stopped issuing new license plates for them. In 2000, the city stopped renewing plates for existing gasoline mopeds, so all of them expired by 2008.