In computer science, the longest common prefix array (LCP array) is an auxiliary data structure to the suffix array. It stores the lengths of the longest common prefixes (LCPs) between all pairs of consecutive suffixes in a sorted suffix array.
For example, if A := [aab, ab, abaab, b, baab] is a suffix array, the longest common prefix between A[1] = aab and A[2] = ab is a which has length 1, so H[2] = 1 in the LCP array H. Likewise, the LCP of A[2] = ab and A[3] = abaab is ab, so H[3] = 2.
Augmenting the suffix array with the LCP array allows one to efficiently simulate top-down and bottom-up traversals of the suffix tree, speeds up pattern matching on the suffix array and is a prerequisite for compressed suffix trees.
The LCP array was introduced in 1993, by Udi Manber and Gene Myers alongside the suffix array in order to improve the running time of their string search algorithm.Gene Myers was the former vice president of Informatics Research at Celera Genomics, and Udi Manber was vice president of engineering at Google.
An array is a systematic arrangement of similar objects, usually in rows and columns.
Specifically, it may refer to:
A telescope array, also called astronomical interferometer, such as the:
In computer science, an array type is a data type that is meant to describe a collection of elements (values or variables), each selected by one or more indices (identifying keys) that can be computed at run time by the program. Such a collection is usually called an array variable, array value, or simply array. By analogy with the mathematical concepts of vector and matrix, array types with one and two indices are often called vector type and matrix type, respectively.
Language support for array types may include certain built-in array data types, some syntactic constructions (array type constructors) that the programmer may use to define such types and declare array variables, and special notation for indexing array elements. For example, in the Pascal programming language, the declaration type MyTable = array [1..4,1..2] of integer
, defines a new array data type called MyTable
. The declaration var A: MyTable
then defines a variable A
of that type, which is an aggregate of eight elements, each being an integer variable identified by two indices. In the Pascal program, those elements are denoted A[1,1]
, A[1,2]
, A[2,1]
,… A[4,2]
. Special array types are often defined by the language's standard libraries.
In computing, sequence containers refer to a group of container class templates in the standard library of the C++ programming language that implement storage of data elements. Being templates, they can be used to store arbitrary elements, such as integers or custom classes. One common property of all sequential containers is that the elements can be accessed sequentially. Like all other standard library components, they reside in namespace std.
The following containers are defined in the current revision of the C++ standard: array
, vector
, list
, forward_list
, deque
. Each of these containers implements different algorithms for data storage, which means that they have different speed guarantees for different operations:
implements a compile-time non-resizeable array. vector
implements an array with fast random access and an ability to automatically resize when appending elements. deque
implements a double-ended queue with comparatively fast random access. list
implements a doubly linked list. LCP may refer to:
Lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2 (SH2 domain containing leukocyte protein of 76kDa), also known as LCP2 or SLP-76, is a gene that encodes a signal-transducing adaptor protein.
No full structure for SLP-76 has been solved. The PDB file 1H3H depicts the SH3 domain of GRAP2 in complex with an RSTK-containing peptide representing residues 226-235 of SLP-76.
SLP-76 was originally identified as a substrate of the ZAP-70 protein tyrosine kinase following T cell receptor (TCR) ligation in the leukemic T cell line Jurkat. The SLP-76 locus has been localized to human chromosome 5q33 and the gene structure has been partially characterized in mice. The human and murine cDNAs both encode 533 amino acid proteins that are 72% identical and composed of three modular domains. The NH2-terminus contains an acidic region that includes a PEST domain and several tyrosine residues that are phosphorylated following TCR ligation. SLP-76 also contains a central proline-rich domain and a COOH-terminal SH2 domain. A number of additional proteins have been identified that associate with SLP-76 both constitutively and inducibly following receptor ligation, supporting the notion that SLP-76 functions as an adaptor or scaffold protein. Studies using SLP-76-deficient T cell lines or mice have provided strong evidence that SLP-76 plays a positive role in promoting T cell development and activation as well as mast cell and platelet function.
Plastin-2 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the LCP1 gene.
Plastins are a family of actin-binding proteins that are conserved throughout eukaryote evolution and expressed in most tissues of higher eukaryotes. In humans, two ubiquitous plastin isoforms (L and T) have been identified. Plastin 1 (otherwise known as Fimbrin) is a third distinct plastin isoform which is specifically expressed at high levels in the small intestine. The L isoform is expressed only in hemopoietic cell lineages, while the T isoform has been found in all other normal cells of solid tissues that have replicative potential (fibroblasts, endothelial cells, epithelial cells, melanocytes, etc.). However, L-plastin has been found in many types of malignant human cells of non-hemopoietic origin suggesting that its expression is induced accompanying tumorigenesis in solid tissues.