Loeb Classical Library, a series of books containing the works of Greek and Latin authors with the original text and the English translation on facing pages
Kuhn, Loeb & Co., an investment bank founded in 1867 by Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb
Loeb, Rhoades & Co., a Wall Street brokerage firm founded by Carl Loeb and John L. Loeb
As a surname
Abraham (Avi) Loeb, a theoretical astrophysicist, Chair of the Astronomy Department and Director of the Institute for Theory & Computation at Harvard University
Carl M. Loeb, President of the American Metal Company and founder of Carl M. Loeb & Co., later Loeb Rhoades & Co. and father of John Langeloth Loeb, Sr.
Scotland’s haggis-eating champion has admitted he’s pondered retirement after complaints from family and friends ... world champion thanks to his ability to scoff a full haggis in under 44 seconds.