Loeb Classical Library, a series of books containing the works of Greek and Latin authors with the original text and the English translation on facing pages
Kuhn, Loeb & Co., an investment bank founded in 1867 by Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb
Loeb, Rhoades & Co., a Wall Street brokerage firm founded by Carl Loeb and John L. Loeb
As a surname
Abraham (Avi) Loeb, a theoretical astrophysicist, Chair of the Astronomy Department and Director of the Institute for Theory & Computation at Harvard University
Carl M. Loeb, President of the American Metal Company and founder of Carl M. Loeb & Co., later Loeb Rhoades & Co. and father of John Langeloth Loeb, Sr.
The SocialSecurity System (SSS) disbursed P39.1 billion in employees' compensation (EC) benefits to 2.7 million beneficiaries from 1975 to 2024 ... He said the SSS acknowledges ECC achievements and celebrates with them on its milestone anniversary.
State-run pension fund Social Security System is boosting the social protection of temporary state workers who are not covered by the current program of the government ....
Additionally, 93 delinquent businesses registered with the SSS following the enforcement campaign ... He urged these employers to coordinate with SSS account officers to properly document their closure and avoid unnecessary penalties.