The Kzinti (singular Kzin) are a fictional, very warlike and bloodthirsty race of cat-like aliens in Larry Niven's Known Space series.
The Kzinti were initially introduced in Niven's story "The Warriors" (originally in Worlds of If (1966)) and "The Soft Weapon" (1967), both collected in Neutron Star (1968). A Kzin character, Speaker-to-Animals (later known as Chmeee), subsequently played a major role in Niven's Hugo and Nebula award-winning Ringworld (1970) and Ringworld Engineers (1980), giving considerably more background of the Kzinti and their interactions with human civilizations. Following Ringworld, Niven gave permission to several friends to write stories taking place in the time following "The Warriors" but before "The Soft Weapon"; these stories (including a handful by Niven) were collected in a number of volumes of The Man-Kzin Wars, which eventually reached thirteen volumes, the first published in June 1988. Kzinti also appear in Juggler of Worlds (2008) and Fate of Worlds (2012), novels within the Fleet of Worlds series (cowritten with Edward M. Lerner).
Quando eu cheguei à noite, com uma fome do caralho,
Eu nem me liguei que a comida tinha acabado.
Depois peguei meu carro e saí para rangar,
Não tinha nada aberto, eu fui pra rua biritar!
Matei larica com birita!
Depois fui pro Garagem, mas não tinha ninguém lá,
A galera caiu lá pra 109 a biritar.
Chegando na Estação, com um puta laricão,
Peguei minha brejinha e matei só num golão!
Matei larica com birita!
Completamente embriagado, me encontrava na Estação,
Fui levantar da mesa e levei um puta tombão!
Quando eu já percebi, já era quatro da matina,
Fui pegar o meu carro, não tinha gasolina!
Matei larica com birita!