7.5 cm KwK 42

The 7.5 cm KwK 42 L/70 (from 7.5 cm Kampfwagenkanone 42 L/70) was a 7.5 cm calibre German tank gun developed and built by Rheinmetall-Borsig AG in Unterlüß during the Second World War. The gun was used to equip the SdKfz.171 Panther medium tank and the SdKfz.162/1 Jagdpanzer IV/70(A)/(V) tank destroyer. When mounted on a tank destroyer it was designated as the 7.5 cm Pak 42 (7.5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 42).


The increased muzzle velocity and operating pressure of the new gun required a new armour piercing projectile to be designed. The PzGr. 39/42 was the result, and apart from the addition of wider driving bands it was otherwise identical to the older 7.5 cm Pzgr.39. The wider driving bands added a little extra weight, from 6.8 kg for the old PzGr.39, to 7.2 kg for the new PzGr.39/42.

The gun was fired electrically, the primer was initiated using an electric current rather than a firing pin. The breech operated semi-automatically so that after the gun had fired, the empty shell casing was automatically ejected, and the falling wedge type breech block remained down so that the next round could be loaded. Once the round was loaded the breech closed automatically and the weapon was ready to be fired again. Three different types of ammunition were used: APCBC-HE, APCR and HE.




by: Nightmare

I'm gonna tell you a well known story
A sacrifice of innocents
24 days of agony
How a last dive, gave them no chance
Somewhere in the arctic, the Russians were telling a
Forgotten by the world
In the rescue chamber, flooded with water
A.D. had to die
Hell awaits the enemy, somewhere in the Barents sea
The system is failing
Hell awaits the enemy, victim of hypocrisy
The system is lying
They will never come back home again
And I've lost another friend
They will never come back home
They are the victims of a vicious game
Commanders of the Russian fleet
Decided to conceal the truth
Somewhere down in the deep
The wreck revealed, they could have saved you
In a grave of steel, the truth was so real
Locked in the shell, their own private hell
One day we all will know why
Hell awaits the enemy, somewhere in the Barents sea
The system is failing
Hell awaits the enemy, victim of hypocrisy
The system is lying
They will never come back home again
And I've lost another friend
They will never come back home
They are the victims of a vicious game...
They will never come back home again
