Kurt Latte (9 March 1891, Königsberg – 8 June 1964, Tutzing) was a German philologist and classical scholar known for his work on ancient Roman religion.
His major work is Römische Religionsgeschichte (Munich, 1960), which was intended to replace the work of Georg Wissowa that by then was nearly 60 years old. Although widely referenced, Latte's work has not escaped criticism. Latte attempted to be systematic and historical at the same time, melding Wissowa's Varro-based systematic description with the historical approach of Franz Altheim; the resulting structure can seem haphazard. In the opinion of Stefan Weinstock, Latte's understanding of linguistics was superior to that of Wissowa.
Latte rejected animism as having explanatory value for the study of Roman religion, but made some use of the concept of sympathetic magic, an approach criticized as inconsistent. His discussion of Roman priesthoods is considered "vital."
Latte viewed Roman religious traditions as in decline in the late Republic, and subject to political abuse. He felt, however, that the importance of Imperial cult had been exaggerated, and that "emperor worship" was a minor and perhaps not really a religious phenomenon at all. His is a counterweight to the predominant scholarly view that Imperial cult became increasingly central to Roman religion.
Ay te mando esta carta de luto
Pa' desirte lo mucho que siento
Es tan grande el amor que te tengo
Que ya siento mi corazon muerto
Esta carta con sangre va escrita
Mas no creas que por falta de tinta
Solo quiero que al verla comprendas
Que se encuentra mi vida marchita
Si esta carta de luto te escribo
Porque triste y negro es mi destino
Pero al fin lograre consolarme
Porque dios me mando este camino
Al llegar esta carta a tus manos
Solo quiero pedirte un favor
Que te fijes muy bien lo que dises
Para alivo de mi corazon
Cuando escuches sonar las campanas
Del reloj que esta frente al pantion
Solo quiero que mires al cielo
Y que reces por mi una oracion
Si esta carta de luto te escribo
Porque triste y negro es mi destino
Pero al fin lograre consolarme