Kūkai (空海), also known posthumously as Kōbō-Daishi (弘法大師, The Grand Master Who Propagated the Buddhist Teaching), 774–835, was a Japanese monk, civil servant, scholar, poet, and artist, founder of the Shingon or "True Word" school of Buddhism. Shingon followers usually refer to him by the honorific title of O-Daishi-sama (お大師様) and the religious name of Henjō-Kongō (遍照金剛).
Kūkai is famous as a calligrapher (see Japanese calligraphy) and engineer. Among the many achievements attributed to him is the invention of the kana, the syllabary with which, in combination with Chinese characters (kanji), the Japanese language is written to this day. Also according to tradition, the Iroha, which uses every phonetic kana syllable just once and is one of the most famous poems in Japanese, is attributed to him but again, this is popular belief and nowhere attested to. His religious writings, some fifty works, expound the tantric Buddhist Shingon doctrine. The major ones have been translated into English by Yoshito Hakeda (see references below).
Asi lo vivi by G4Eramos amigos nada mas
tu enamorado de alguien mas
y yo tan solo consejera de algo inusual
no esperaba imaginar tanto
no esperaba descubrir
Pero al final así lo viví
pero entendí mejor
Cada dia cada momento era especial
lo entendi mejor que los demas
no esperaba presentir pensé que
estaba mal sentir que al final
regresar de nuevo no quiero expresar
ah ah ah ah
Hubo momentos que quise llorar
y me aguante asi de mas
las lagrimas en tus mejillas
era de una niña
que le arranco ah la soledad
Pero al final así lo viví
pero entendí mejor
Cada dia cada momento era especial
lo entendi mejor que los demas
no esperaba presentir pensé que
estaba mal sentir que al final
regresar de nuevo no quiero expresar
pero al final asi lo vivi