Kraang is a supervillain appearing in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV shows and most frequently in the 1987 STH cartoon and its associated media, such as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures comic book and most of the classic TMNT video games.
Kraang's first comics appearance was in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures vol. 1, #1, published by Archie Comics in August 1988. In the 1987 TV series, Kraang was voiced by Pat Fraley. He is still one of the primary antagonists to the Ninja Turtles, appearing as General Kraang in the 2012 IDW comic publication.
In the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon background story, Krang commanded an army of Rock Soldiers under the leadership of General Traag and Lieutenant Granitor. He took the completed Technodrome (a powerful mobile battle fortress) for himself, then banished Drakus (who helped Krang build it) to Earth. Originally, Krang was a warlord from Dimension X. To punish Krang before sending him from Dimension X, Krang´s brain was stripped from his body and his body reduced to a brain-like form. Banished from Dimension X, Krang ended up on Earth.
Warlord Krang is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He was a high-ranking member of the Atlantean military.
Krang first appeared in Fantastic Four Annual #1 (1963), and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
Warlord Krang was born in Atlantis City, Atlantis. He became a leader of the Atlantean military and warlord of Atlantis who rose to prominence during the time in which Namor, the Prince of Atlantis was missing. Upon Namor's return, Krang's bride-to-be, the Lady Dorma, deserted him for Namor, bringing a great hatred for Namor from Krang. Shortly thereafter, when Namor attempted to conquer New York City, he made Krang his second in command. However, the Fantastic Four fought off the first attack and Namor stopped the invasion in order to save Sue Storm of the Fantastic Four. Feeling that Namor had betrayed his own people to save an enemy, Krang was even more angered and after the Atlanteans left Atlantis he seized control and usurped the throne of Atlantis from Namor. Krang imprisoned Namor, and forced the Prince to prove himself on a quest to find Neptune's trident, made additionally difficult by traps set by Krang. Meanwhile, Krang plotted a conquest of the surface world, ruled Atlantis as a despot, and put down a revolt against his rule. When Namor returned, he defeated Krang in personal combat. Krang was dethroned and exiled.
Krang is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles supervillain.
Krang may also refer to:
2010, Krang, Richy... I dalje.
ujem ljude kako kažu
[Refren - Richy]
Koliko stvari se promenilo?
Imamo li merilo?
- nemamo
- nemamo
Ljudi kažu scena drema,
Kažu, sve je isto, samo Kranga nema.
Koliko stvari se promenilo?
Imamo li merilo?
- nemamo
- nemamo
Istrošena scena drema,
Kažu, sve je isto, samo Kranga nema.
Stanje krize na sceni, gde su dizeli lideri
Devedesete na kredit, da bi reprize videli.
Svi na jednu foru, mi u poslu oni jedva na birou
Mi s Bossom na bossu drugi tek na prvom nivou...
Kriterijuma nema, svima tu misterija doe k'o neman
Neko zbunjen pokunjen, samo niko doek'o spreman.
Neko bi rek'o presedan, drugi bi rekli klasik
Krang je poeo megdan, pedigre smo stekli u praksi.
Tri godine posle, opet vam idemo u goste
Vidim, sve je isto, scena za primer a primer za odstrel.
Preko rime do stava, tu ništa me ne udi
Ko sa decom spava, kažu ljudi upišan se budi.
Devedesete na kredit? Gde je reset Krang, zajebi,
Ovu igru nismo hteli, sve na fenseraj su sveli.
Igara I hleba, deci autotjuna I para
Lom majmuna hara, nigde Vilisa kada ti treba.
Ovo je podzemlje, sa mnom su samo Haron I kerber,
U isto vreme najgori kreten I najbolji reper
Hopom ne zavodim žene, ne želim da me zavoli dete,
Ja bih da ti razbolim pretke jer su zaboli tebe,
Zarobim sve te fensere koji žele smešne pesme,
Tretiram ih ko Rusi Nemce posle etres' šeste.
Hip hop ekspert, ekstrem, k'o een fanatik
K'o Sadam I Gadafi, zvezde kasapim, gadan lik.
Razvalim svaki vers k'o Kris Braun Rijanu,
Vaša zika je delikt k'o prevara u Iranu,
Zbog nje se zlatna ribica pretvara u piranu
Brdo retarda gubi glavu, proda dupe da kupi slavu.
uti smradu, zvuIš gadu kao ja sa pet promila.
Kakva bre gomila? Sa tobom skae rodbina.
Šta se foliraš, ti samo kopiraš Dip set
Ali za razliku od njih nemaš ni vozila ni keš.
Ne možeš da pokidaš ni vers, obian si fejk
Još ne znaš da repuješ, brdo godina si slep,
Odlian ti cert... šaka dece koju oblaI Todor,
Svršavas dok zamisljaš kako povlaIš oroz.
Misterija je bila manifest I pravi test podzemlja,
To je pravi hip hop batice koji granice pomera,
A vi želite pozera da vam se smešI sa postera,
I za ženice bednice pesmice dotera.
Ja sam previše moderan za deje umove,
Ja sam previše poseban za srpske uslove.
Ja sam previše bolestan za fensi klubove,
ReI surove, uporne, bude duhove, trulo je
Puklo je sve u ovoj zemlji pa I hip hop scena
Sem Boss-a Riija I mene u Hadu nikog nema.
Sinko gledaj, u hopu mi smo peti element
Bolje da pratiš u stopu ovaj sveti precedent.
Jebeš rep jer svet je slep za metafiziku
Nemaš liriku, flow, dikciju a vrebaš priliku?
Ne znaš istinu, al' kad pristignu horde
Koje nose viziju borbe vreme je da odeš.
Augijeva štala, 2010... stara igra.
Richy, Krang... I dalje.