Koyo Seiko was founded in 1921 by Mr. Ikeda. In the decennia that followed it has become one of the world’s leading manufacturers of bearings and automotive steering systems.
Koyo is the JTEKT brand for Bearings. JTEKT engineering and manufacturing capabilities range from super large bearings with outer diameters of seven meters to miniature bearings with inner diameters as small as one millimeter. Utilizing new materials and the latest in manufacturing technology, JTEKT has developed hybrid
ceramic bearings and a variety of extreme special environment bearings to meet the increasingly severe and demanding requirements of modern industries. JTEKT stands at the forefront, as a technological leader in the world bearing industry.
JTEKT owns and operates eighteen bearings plants in seven countries and 6 R&D Technical Engineering Centers on three continents. Koyo offers innovative solutions to both original equipment manufacturers and aftermarket end users focusing on key markets such as automotive, agriculture and construction, heavy industry (steel & wind mill), gear, reducer, electric motor and general machinery.
Viva a vida
O teu sonho, tua fantasia
Viva sua vida
Eu vou na frente
Pra quebrar essa corrente
Que segura essa gente
Que não deixa ela crescer
Eu falo alto só pra ver se ela me escuta
É todo dia nessa luta
Mais um dia eu vou vencer...
O vento soprando em meu rosto
É bom...
No fim do horizonte eu vejo o sol
Você tem que deixar de mentir
Acreditar na cultura do nosso país
Pois aqui eu tenho a natureza,
Eu tenho a natureza
Eu sou congueiro, batuqueiro
Sou guerreiro, sou da Barra do Jucu...