In Breton folklore, a Korrigan ([kɔˈriːɡɑ̃n]) is a fairy or dwarf-like spirit. The word korrigan means "small-dwarf" (korr means dwarf, ig is a diminutive and the suffix an is a hypocoristic), it is closely related to the Cornish word korrik which means gnome. Their name changes according to the place. Among the other names, there are kornandon, ozigan, nozigan, torrigan, viltañs, poulpikan, paotred ar sabad...
The term is used variously by different writers on Breton folklore. Théodore de Villemarqué in Barzaz Breiz uses the term interchangeably with "fairy" and distinguishes them from dwarves ("nains"). In contrast Walter Evans-Wentz in The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries argued that in the mythology of Morbihan there is no clear distinction between korrigans and nains, "Very often corrigans regarded as nains, equally with all kinds of lutins, are believed to be evil spirits or demons condemned to live here on earth in a penitential state for an indefinite time." They like to dance around fountains. However, they give themselves away when they cannot enumerate the full list of the days of the week (because of the sacredness of the full week).
Korrigan may refer to:
Me tomas o dejas,
Me daña tu juego insensible,
Y ruego que quieras hablar más nada me dices,
Mis manos hoy tiemblan,
Y muerdo palabras que solo te piden
Que cambies la espera de amor imposible,
Tú, que encuentras en mi calor
Tú, que tomas de mi lo mejor,
Tú, escúchame por favor
Silencioso amor, no rompas mi corazón.
Amor que trasciendes,
Horarios de estrellas por mágicas sendas
Amor insensible
Escucha y no olvides.
Tú, que encuentras en mi calor
Tú, que tomas de mi lo mejor,
Tú, escúchame por favor
Silencioso amor, no rompas mi corazón
Tú, escúchame por favor,