Born in glaciers and flowing through a rugged landscape of mountains and valleys, the river drains an isolated and sparsely populated region of the Pacific Northwest. From its highest headwaters to its confluence with the Columbia River, the Kootenay falls more than two kilometers in elevation. Although comparable in length, watershed and discharge to the Columbia above the conflence, the Kootenay is of a notably different character; its much steeper gradient results in the formation of many rapids.
Precipitation in the KootenaiRiver basin rose to 82% of normal following a dry month in January, which received only 29% of normal snowpack ...MiddleFork of the Flathead River in winter near Essex on Feb.
— The KootenaiRiver is powerful ... I looked at the river’s soft spots and wondered if there were any trout there ... About halfway between Troy and Libby, the falls and the gorge that lays out below them are a sacred place for the Kootenai Tribe.