“To this end, a national validation of the policy is slated for 9th of May 2025,” he confirmed ... “You can access it ... The minister also shed light on the land crisis between Busura village of BrikamaSouth in the Marakisa Ward and Talokoto of Kombo East.
It was pretty rigorous ...Show Caption ... On Saturday, the Tigers senior won the 400 with a time of 50.42 seconds to beat out Eaglecrest’s Xavier Waldron (51.08) and Cherokee Trail’s Kaelan Kombo (51.34) through those horribly strong winds ... .
By LouiseJobe. A legal dispute over a Christian cemetery in Manduarr village has reached the Kombo Central District Tribunal, with three local residents claiming ownership of the burial ground ...Pierre F ... a visit to the disputed land ... ....
�President Christodoulides is accompanied by foreign minister Constandinos Kombos, government spokesman Constandinos Letympiotis, deputy minister for European Affairs Marilena Raouna, the Greek...