Komalah (Komełe), also known as KZK (Komełey Zehmetkêşanî Kurdistan) or its full name Komełey Şorrişgêrrî Zehmetkêşanî Kurdistanî Êran (Society of Revolutionary Toilers of Iranian Kurdistan) is a left-wing Kurdish nationalist political party based in Iranian & Iraqi Kurdistan. Komala has their own guerrilla force who's called "Peshmerga" and they've been active as most in the 80s and 90s until they were forced to lay down arms after suffering from heavy resistance from Iraqi Kurdish forces.
Komala underwent secret activities after its foundation 1967 during the Shah's regime and later waged an armed struggle against the Iranian regime in 1979, after Khomeini declared a Jihad on the Kurds in Iran. Komala have been in the terrorist list of Iran since the formation of the new regime and they've carried out several executions of Iranian and Jash kurds who've been working for the government.
Komala was founded in Tehran, Iran by a group of Kurdish university students led by Foad Mostafa Soltani (Kak Foad). The Kurdish university students started to arrange secret meetings and discussed marxist and socialist ideas who led to the formation of a clandestine Kurdish organization called Komala
Dices que no hay motivos
y que siempre me has querido.
Pero veo que te vas,
siento que te he perdio.
Sin echar la vista atras
con la maleta entre tus manos
vas subiendo en ese tren
que te aparta de mi lado.
Y besame una vez más
antes de marcharte,
y cuentame cuanto tiempo necesitare
para olvidarte,
si lo eres todo para mi.
Y cuentame cuanto tiempo necesitare
para olvidarte
si te querré hasta morir