Koma or KOMA can refer to:
Scred Connexion is a French rap collective launched in the 1990s composed by Fabe, Koma, Haroun, Mokless and Morad, with the assistance of Butch. Fabe decided to quit his rapping career in 2000 and quit the collective after releasing one additional solo album.
"Scred" originates from a track by collective member Koma in his first maxi Époque de fous and is verlan for discret (meaning discreet). The collective released six musical projects with each member keeping his independence and solo projects they worked on concurrently. The collective addressed many issues in French society becoming a militant band for social justice and change distinguishing itself with quality of text and being critical of superficial rappers and favoring more fundamental content, promoting the slogan "Jamais dans la tendance mais toujours dans la bonne direction", after a member of the formation, Fabe, launched it in his piece "Impertinent".
Surge may refer to:
Glacial surges are short-lived events where a glacier can advance substantially, moving at velocities up to 100 times faster than normal. Surging glaciers cluster around a few areas. High concentrations of surging glaciers occur in Svalbard, the Canadian Arctic islands, Alaska and Iceland. In some glaciers, surges can occur in fairly regular cycles, with 15 to 100 or more surge events per year. In other glaciers, surging remains unpredictable. In some glaciers, however, the period of stagnation and build-up between two surges typically lasts 10 to 200 years and is called the quiescent phase. During this period the velocities of the glacier are significantly lower, and the glaciers can retreat substantially.
Glacier surges have been divided into two categories depending on the character of the surge event. Glaciers in Alaska exhibit surges with a sudden onset, extremely high (tens of meters/day)maximum flow rate and a sudden termination, often with a discharge of stored water. These are called Alaskan-type surges and it is suspected that these surges are hydrologically controlled.
The Transformers (トランスフォーマー, Toransufomā) is a line of toys produced by the Japanese company Takara (now known as Takara Tomy) and American toy company Hasbro. The Transformers toyline was created from toy molds mostly produced by Japanese company Takara in the toylines Diaclone and Microman. Other toy molds from other companies such as Bandai were used as well. In 1984, Hasbro bought the distribution rights to the molds and rebranded them as the Transformers for distribution in North America. Hasbro would go on to buy the entire toy line from Takara, giving them sole ownership of the Transformers toy-line, branding rights, and copyrights, while in exchange, Takara was given the rights to produce the toys and the rights to distribute them in the Japanese market. The premise behind the Transformers toyline is that an individual toy's parts can be shifted about to change it from a vehicle, a device, or an animal, to a robot action figure and back again. The taglines "More Than Meets The Eye" and "Robots In Disguise" reflect this ability.
Sag' mir, was du siehst, wenn du ins Leere siehst
Ich frage mich, ob Du etwas hörst
Wenn du mir zuhörst.
Regungslos liegst du da - Koma
Bewegungslos, als ob's schon immer so war
Dein Zustand unklar, scheinbar gibt es nichts
Was dich jetzt noch am Leben hält.
Sagtest du nicht mal jeder Gedanke zählt
Wenn der Kopf mit dem Herz durch Bewußtsein verbunden ist? Doch jetzt in deiner
Welt, in der das, was dich noch belebt, nur künstlich ist Jeder Traum, der wertvoll
war, dann auf einmal günstig ist. Treibt jede Emotion tot mit dem Strom?
Alles in dir ist lahmgelegt.
Ich höre, wie dein Geist, der meist still steht, sich nicht weiter bewegt.
Es nicht erträgt, um Gnade fleht bevor er untergeht.
Und hoffe darauf, du wachst wieder auf.
Koma - mit dir ist alles machbar ? Alles läuft nach Plan
In der geregelten Bahn, im Massenwahn in den Untergang
Sie wollen nicht, daß du wieder aufwachst und denkst
Sondern weiter mitmachst
Du bist nur eine von Millionen Dronen
Weil du im Schlaf konsumierst, wird es sich für sie lohnen Hat man im Koma Geschmack
Kann man den stärksten Willen brechen ?
Schluckst du alles ? Takt für Takt schön verpackt Das dritte Auge fest geschlossen ?
Kopf sauber weggeschossen ?
Dein Anspruch hat sein Ende längst beschlossen ?
Ist Wahrheit das, was einst gelogen war ?
Nicht mehr erkennbar ?
Jetzt nicht zuletzt ,ist jede Lüge Gold wert ?
Weil sich das Koma mit euch vermehrt
Und das was noch menschlich war, sich umkehrt, schnell verzerrt;
Liegst du da im Delirium, Massenpublikum - Koma