Kolozs County
Kolozs was an administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary, of the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom and of the Principality of Transylvania. Its territory is now in north-western Romania (north-western Transylvania). The capital of the county was the city of Cluj (Kolozsvár in Hungarian), today Cluj-Napoca in Romania.
After 1876, Kolozs county shared borders with the Hungarian counties Bihar, Szilágy, Szolnok-Doboka, Beszterce-Naszód, Maros-Torda and Torda-Aranyos. The rivers Crişul Repede and Someşul Mic flow through the county. Its area was 5006 km² around 1910.
Kolozs county was formed in the 11th century. In 1918 (confirmed by the Treaty of Trianon 1920), the county became part of Romania. It was occupied by Hungary between 1940–1944 during World War II. Most of the territory of the county lies in the present Romanian county Cluj, some parts of the county are in the present Romanian counties Sălaj (north-west), Bistriţa-Năsăud (north-east) and Mureş (south-east).