Kojiki (古事記, "Records of Ancient Matters" or "An Account of Ancient Matters") is the oldest extant chronicle in Japan, dating from the early 8th century (711–712) and composed by Ō no Yasumaro at the request of Empress Gemmei. The Kojiki is a collection of myths concerning the origin of the four home islands of Japan, and the Kami. Along with the Nihon Shoki, the myths contained in the Kojiki are part of the inspiration behind many practices. Later, the myths were re-appropriated for Shinto practices including the misogi purification ritual.
The Kojiki contains various songs/poems. While the historical records and myths are written in a form of Chinese with a heavy mixture of Japanese elements, the songs are written with Chinese characters that are only used to convey sounds. This special use of Chinese characters is called Man'yōgana, a knowledge of which is critical to understanding these songs, which are written in Old Japanese.
The Kojiki is divided into three parts: the Kamitsumaki (上巻, "first volume"), the Nakatsumaki (中巻, "middle volume") and the Shimotsumaki (下巻, "lower volume").
Kojiki is an album by the new age artist Kitarō, which was nominated for a Grammy award in 1990.
This album features the string section from the Skywalker Symphony, along with Kitaro's signature keyboard and flute sounds. It was released in 1990.
All songs written and composed by Kitaro.
Kerroit kiertäneesi maailmaa - avaraa
Ja sitten haaksirikon teit
Ja että liian arvokasta - tavaraa
Se meri mennessänsä vei
Kun sitten jouduit palaamaan - rantaan
Et ehkä voinut aavistaa
Ettei minulle kukaan - koskaan
Olisi ollut valmiimpaa
Tiedätkö olevasi
Taivas sisälläni
Kun vanha taivaani olikin vain kulissi
Kuuletko huutavan sen
Äänen ikuisuuden
Se on ääni rakkauden
Tiedätkö käyneesi
Minun sielussani
En edes itse tiedä siellä käyneeni
Luulen sinut nähneeni
Jossakin aiemmin
Lapsena kun uskoin ihmeisiin
Sanoit että joskus tunnet
Ettet enää - oikein kuulu mihinkään
Mutta minähän olen se joka jää
Ilman sinua merihätään
Kun me tänään kahdestaan - kuljetaan
Ja meri levolle se käy
Ja iltatuuli pyyhkii - yli maan
Ei enää muita tiellämme näy