Kofun (古墳, from Sino-Japanese "ancient grave") are megalithic tombs or tumuli in Japan, constructed between the early 3rd century and the early 7th century AD. They gave their name to the Kofun period (middle 3rd century to early-middle 6th century). Many of the Kofun have distinctive keyhole-shaped mounds (zenpo-koenfun (前方後円墳)), which are unique to ancient Japan. The Mozu-Furuichi kofungun or tumulus clusters have been proposed for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List, while Ishibutai Kofun is one of a number in Asuka-Fujiwara similarly residing on the Tentative List.
The kofun tumuli have assumed various shapes throughout history. The most common type of kofun is known as a zempō-kōen-fun (前方後円墳), which is shaped like a keyhole, having one square end and one circular end, when viewed from above. There are also circular-type (empun (円墳)), "two conjoined rectangles" typed (zempō-kōhō-fun (前方後方墳)), and square-type (hōfun (方墳)) kofun. Orientation of kofun is not specified. For example, in the Saki Kofun group, all of the circular parts are facing north, but there is no such formation in the Yanagimoto kofun group. Haniwa, terracotta figures, were arrayed above and in the surroundings to delimit and protect the sacred areas.
It's time to tell the truth to anyone who cares to know what brought him to this point
Curled up into a ball, his thumbs the only things that could break his fall
Almost out of air, far beyond repair, doomed
The time is wearing thin, the technicolor's gone
See it all now in black and white
So now, please, it's your last drop of air
So now, breathe, and take your very first
Breath of water
Allow yourself this one
Breath of water
Allow yourself this one
Allow yourself this one last breath
He ran away from home, leaving a trace for friends to hunt and find him in the snow
But a scent is not enough, and we're barely sure he's strong enough to survive the cold
Almost out of air, far beyond repair, doomed
The time is wearing thin, the technicolor's gone
See it all now in black and white
So now, please, it's your last drop of air
So now, breathe, and take your very first
Breath of water
Allow yourself this one
Breath of water
Allow yourself this one
Allow yourself this one last breath
I'd rather spare the truth from anyone who cares to know exactly how we found him
But it's time to share the truth with anyone who cares, he goes out too deep alone
So now ...
...breath of water
Allow yourself this one
Breath of water
Allow yourself this one
Allow yourself this one
Allow yourself this one last breath