There are nine counties named Knox County in the United States, All named for Brig. General Henry Knox who would later serve as the first Secretary of War:
The KnoxCountyCommission will meet to review its agenda for next week's voting meeting and vote on a new commercial development in South Knox County. And the Knox County Democratic and Republican parties have their elections this year.
...CountyChancery Court of Knox County, Tennessee ... PHILLIPS, who died October 2, 2024, were issued to the undersigned by the Clerk and Master of the Knox County Chancery Court of Knox County, Tennessee.
When the KnoxCountyCommission meets in its zoning session today it will consider several large residential zoning change requests ... Knox County Comprehensive Plan and state license regulations.
... bills since 2018 in what some people call a “slate of hate,” according to Bean Chapman, a policy analyst and committee chair for Knox, Anderson and Blount counties for the Tennessee Equality Project.
A federal judge has dismissed most of a lawsuit brought by a wind energy company against a northeast Nebraska county that changed its zoning requirements to derail development of a 600-megawatt wind farm ... .