Klassekampen (English: The Class Struggle) is a Norwegian daily newspaper, which styles itself as "the daily left-wing newspaper".
History and profile
Klassekampen was founded in 1969 with a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist platform, but has developed into an independent radical-left newspaper with the following mission statement:
The newspaper Klassekampen shall do serious, critical journalism, with versatile political and economical disclosures of exploitation, suppression and environmental damage - as well as inspire and contribute to ideological criticism, organizing and political struggle against such conditions, on the basis of a revolutionary, socialistic view.
Until recently Klassekampen was owned by The Workers' Communist Party, but it is today owned by Rødt, Fagforbundet, OktoPax and Industri Energi among others.
Bjørgulv Braanen has been the editor of Klassekampen since 2002, succeeding Jon Michelet in the post. Weekly columnists include Paul Bjerke, Arild Rønsen and Dag Seierstad, and cartoonist Hallvard Skauge contributes on Saturdays.