Kiwiana are certain items and icons from New Zealand's heritage, especially from around the middle of the 20th century that are seen as representing iconic Kiwi elements. These "quirky things that contribute to a sense of nationhood"[1] include both genuine cultural icons and kitsch.


Origins [link]

The silver fern flag has become an iconic, if unofficial symbol of New Zealand.[2]

Items of kiwiana are generally either unique to, or particularly common to New Zealand, particularly from the early and mid twentieth century. Although the term is sometimes used to describe any and all New Zealand icons, it is more commonly used to describe pop culture items such as toys or branded foods. A few more serious national icons have become kiwiana through heavy use in advertising and the souvenir industry. These include the kiwi and the hei-tiki. Kiwiana is generally seen as a form of kitsch.

A number of products widely regarded as kiwiana, such as Weet-Bix, Watties tomato sauce, Marmite and L&P, are made by non-New Zealand companies. In some cases this is because the original New Zealand company has been purchased by an overseas corporation, in others the product has always been made by an international firm. A number of companies with products deemed to be 'kiwiana' have enthusiastically cashed in on this. For example a Watties advertising campaign has claimed that "you'll never be a Kiwi 'til you love your Watties sauce", even though the company is now American-owned, and a Sanitarium campaign in the 1990s claimed that "Kiwi kids are Weet-Bix kids". The advertisement was a dubbed version of an Australian advertisement that claimed that 'Aussie kids are Weet-bix kids' and the landscape in the background of the advertisement is recognisably Australian. Other companies have attempted to create their own Kiwiana. For example McDonalds has an off and on 'Kiwiburger' sold within their stores in New Zealand; which was an attempt to duplicate the traditional New Zealand style of burger. Its main distinguishing features were a slice of beetroot and a fried egg, and its advertisement was essentially a sung list of kiwiana items; the item most recently appearing from August 2011 as a part of the Rugby World Cup. A series of L&P commercials, featuring Jemaine Clement of Flight of the Conchords, are based around Kiwiana themed items, and were very popular with New Zealanders.

In recent decades kiwiana has become a subject in itself, and several celebratory books have been published. A range of products using kiwiana motifs have also been produced, including Christmas tree decorations, cards, t-shirts, garden ornaments and jewelry. There are Kiwiana sections in many New Zealand museums, and some are dedicated to showing Kiwiana only. In 1994, New Zealand Post released a set of stamps depicting kiwiana items including a pavlova, fish and chips, rugby boots and ball, and a black singlet and gumboots.[3]

Well-known examples [link]

  • Afghan biscuit — a cookie/biscuit which contains cornflakes with a soft biscuit base, chocolate icing on top and a walnut
  • All Blacks — national Rugby Union team.
  • Buzzy Bee — wooden child's toy.[1]
  • Cardigan Bay — a famous racehorse from New Zealand, who was the first trotter to win a million US dollars.
  • Chocolate fish — confection of marshmallow covered in chocolate, in the shape of a fish.
  • Cookie Time cookies — a large chocolate chip cookie often sold individually and typically heated up before being consumed.
  • Edmonds 'Sure to Rise' Baking Powder, the distinctive Edmonds factory (demolished in the late 1980s), and the Edmonds Cookbook.
  • Footrot Flats — popular cartoon strip by Murray Ball.
  • Gumboots — calf length rubber boots, usually in black[1]
  • Hāngi — Method of cooking using heated rocks buried underground in a pit oven.
  • Hei-tiki — Māori neck pendant, often in plastic versions[1] sold to tourists.
  • Hokey pokey ice-cream — plain vanilla ice cream with added small, solid lumps of toffee.
  • Jandals — beach footwear with a bit of sole but very little else. AKA flip-flops (USA,UK)
  • Kiwi — native bird; its stylised image or shape frequently appears on things associated with New Zealand.
  • Kiwifruit — fruit from a vine originating in China but selectively bred by New Zealand horticulturalists to obtain egg-sized fruit with green or gold flesh. In New Zealand it was originally called "Chinese gooseberry".
  • L&P — a popular soft drink.
  • Longest Drink in Town — since 1968, this iconic blue and red giraffe image has appeared on the side of paper cups used by dairies and icecream parlours for milkshakes
  • Marmite — a dark and salty spread made from yeast extract, similar to Vegemite. New Zealand Marmite is distinct from British Marmite, in taste and recipe. Marmite is made in New Zealand, as opposed to Vegemite, which is made in Australia.
  • Number 8 wire — a gauge of wire often used inventively and practically for applications other than for fencing.[4] It is also used as a term that epitomises the "kiwi bloke" as someone who can turn their hand to anything.[5]
  • Paua — the polished shell of the native paua (abalone) shellfish, turned into jewellery and souvenirs or ashtrays.[1] Once considered kitsch, it is starting to regain its popularity.
  • Pavlova — a light and fluffy meringue dessert named after the ballet dancer, Anna Pavlova[1]
  • Whittaker's peanut slab - a chocolate and nut confection manufactured in Porirua that comes in various chocolate varieties
  • Phar Lap — a horse from New Zealand, who won many prestigious races in Australia and North America.
  • Pineapple lumps — confectionery made with a pineapple flavoured centre covered in chocolate.[6]
  • Railway crockery — a typically heavy style of crockery used in the state railway system[1]
  • Silver fern — native plant; its stylised image or shape is displayed on army insignia and by many of the national sports teams.[2]
  • Swanndri — a 100% water-proof woollen overcoat. Popular amongst farmers due to it being 'warm in winter, cool in summer'. Typically made in a tartan/patch work pattern. Often blue and black, or red and black in colour. Often worn in conjunction with Gumboots and/or Stubbies.
  • Tip-Top ice cream.
  • Watties tomato sauce (especially when served in a plastic container shaped like a tomato).
  • Four Square supermarkets — especially Mr Four Square, the marketing logo.

See also [link]

References [link]

Further reading [link]

  • Stephen Barnett and Richard Wolfe (1989), New Zealand! New Zealand! in praise of Kiwiana.
  • David McGill (2000), Good old Kiwi identities: the folk who put the kiwi in kiwiana.
  • Richard Wolfe and Stephen Barnett (2001), Kiwiana! the sequel.

External links [link]



Need Your Loving Tonight

by: Queen

(Album: The Game, 1980)
Hey hey hey
No I'll never look back in anger
No I'll never find me an answer
You promised me, you'd keep in touch
I read your letter and it hurt me so much
I said I'd never, never be angry with you
I don't wanna feel like a stranger (no)
'Cos I'd rather stay out of danger
I read your letter so many times
I got your meaning between the lines
I said I'd never, never be angry with you
I must be strong so she won't know how much I miss her
I only hope as time goes on I'll forget her
My body's aching, can't sleep at night
I'm too exhausted to start a fight
And if I see her with another guy
I'll eat my heart out 'cos I love, love, love, love her
Come on baby, let's get together
I'll love you baby, I'll love you forever
I'm trying hard to stay away
What made you change, what did I say ?
Ooh I need your loving tonight
Ooh I need your loving
Ooh I need your loving
Ooh I need your loving babe tonight (Hit me)
Ooh I need your loving tonight
No I'll never look back in anger
No I'll never find me an answer
Gave me no warning, how could I guess
I'll have to learn to forgive and forget
Ooh I need your loving
Ooh I need your loving
